President Obama owes much of his success to grassroots organizations. One of the most exciting elements of his election was the fact that he mobilized so many people from all walks of life to support him in whatever small way they could. The Democrats are hoping to keep that momentum flowing with a new focus for their grassroots organization called “Organizing for America.” In an effort to get citizens to pledge their support for the administration’s policies, groups of volunteers have been asking ordinary citizens to sign petitions indicating support for Obama’s new economic plans. This mobilization of everyday people is a bold move which will bring more of the public into the debate over the government’s actions. The Democrats are setting an important precedent in terms of getting citizens motivated to create a change in government, whether they oppose the administration or not. Citizens should take up the cause of supporting policies they agree with and opposing those they dislike through grassroots organization in order to hold the government accountable for its actions.
As it stands, many Americans choose to avoid the political arena. Voting is usually the furthest that people choose to go when it comes to holding the government accountable, and a large amount of people do not even make it that far. There’s the occasional letter written to a congressman or senator, but beyond that, most people do not do much to attempt to have an impact on the political landscape of America. Making one’s voice heard in the political arena is a daunting task due to the role that money and fame play in the process. It’s hard to opine about government policy in a significant way without access to large sums of money, or having one’s face shown on television sets across America. The Democrats’ initiative to once again mobilize large sectors of society to support Obama’s administration is a positive example of citizens having an impact on the political process. Through “Organizing for America” Americans are reminded of the impact of large scale demonstrations on the political process.
Some of the greatest changes in American politics were the result of the mobilization of large sectors of society. The Civil Rights Movement and the movement to grant women’s suffrage are two historical cases that show the power and influence that ordinary citizens united in common cause can have on government policy. The difference between those movements and the current “Organizing for America” movement being supported by the Democrats is the fact that the current movement has sponsorship from a major political party. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it indicates a need for citizens to take up their own causes, whether they be in opposition to the government or not. To allow the Democrats, or any political party, access to large sectors of society without any opposition or alternative grassroots movements led by citizens outside of the political machine further entrenches the role of pre-established political movements in forming government policy. Political parties are useful when it comes to organizing support for a candidate, but the party platform does not allow for flexibility when it comes to determining stances on public policy. That is where grassroots organization comes in.
It is easy to criticize the government from the comfort of one’s living room, but true change only comes about when action is taken on a scale of mass proportions. The government does not always respond to blog posts and articles in college newspapers. The government does respond to the demands of citizens organized on a massive scale, whether they are affirming the stances of the current administration or drastically opposed to them. Citizens in a democratic republic are responsible for the actions that their government performs; if they care about those actions, they must do more to have an impact on government policy. Citizens must educate one another about the actions the government is taking and how those actions impact people throughout the country.
The “Organizing for America” movement is an example of the possibility of mass mobilization in order to achieve a political goal. It is up to concerned citizens to take the reigns of grassroots organization and present a voice outside of the government to suggest alternative policies as well as affirm policies that they favor. There is no reason that citizens should have to wait until election day to hold their government accountable for their actions. It is the responsibility of all citizens to make their voices heard.
Michael Khavari’s column appears Wednesdays in The Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at