The Aspen Institute released its 2009-10 "Beyond Grey Pinstripes" rankings, placing the Darden School eighth out of all U.S. business schools and 11th on the organization's list of international business schools. The latter ranking represents a jump from 2007, when Darden was ranked 24th on the global list.
The Aspen Institute is a nonprofit organization that promotes nonpartisan awareness and discussion of topics of interest in hopes of improving the world. The organization's "Beyond Grey Pinstripes" rankings focus on business schools that have been able to integrate and promote social and environmental leadership into their curricula and research.
"We are very pleased and excited," said Robert Carraway, Darden associate dean for degree programs. "The combination of how we run our school, what we teach and our efforts in sustainability" helped distinguish the Darden School.
Additionally, Darden ranked fifth in the rankings' research category, which measures the amount of scholarly articles published pertaining to social, environmental or ethical issues. The school also ranked seventh in the category of for-profit impact, which examines the number of courses that teach how business can improve social and environmental conditions.
Despite its high overall ranking, however, the school ranked 31st in the relevant courses category and only 61st in student exposure, which measures teaching hours and student enrollment in these relevant courses.
-compiled by Sofia Economopoulos