Abby Coster wrote her column ("Game on," March 17) extolling the virtues of drinking games. She neglects, however, the damage done to the University's reputation by her work and those activities she publicly advocated.
In a highly competitive job environment during a recession, our degrees upon graduation are compared with those from some of the best and brightest students in the world. In the job market, that means comparing the reputation of the institutions that gave those degrees. As a simple fact of life, a degree from Harvard or Yale is given more weight than some other public universities.
The University of Virginia has endeavored to create a reputation of academic excellence and a level of credibility not seen by most other publicly funded institutions.
And in one fell swoop, Coster has undermined that. At the same time that many graduates will be seeking employment, employers will be able to point to this article and say that our university is a "party school" not worthy of their serious consideration.
As an engineer that has worked night after night to pass classes most have never even heard existed, this consequence is something I could not remain silent about.
Stephen Alexander\nSEAS II