Re "Hamas executes two Palestinians," April 16. (Originally, "Israel executes two Palestinians."):
Your journalistic integrity is poor, and particularly on a highly-charged topic.
Israel did not execute anyone. If you read the article, or even the first sentence or two, you would see that the headline should have read "Hamas executes two Palestinians." The first sentence of the article states, "The Hamas-led government in the Gaza Strip yesterday executed two Palestinians convicted of providing Israel with information that led to the assassination of Palestinian militants."
It is a Washington Post article. Even if the Washington Post got the headline wrong, you were willing to mislead readers. The Cavalier Daily editors, at worst, show prejudice and lack of integrity, and at best, sloppy journalism.
S. L. Muldoon
Editor's note: A headline that appeared in the Nation & World section of the April 16 edition of The Cavalier Daily mistakenly read "Israel executes two Palestinians." The headline should have read "Hamas executes two Palestinians." The Cavalier Daily regrets the error.