Tim Davis, a 27-year old Charlottesville employee for WNRN radio and victim of the April 5 Blue Ridge Parkway shooting, passed away at the University Medical Center Friday.\nCurrently, 18-year old Christina Floyd, who also was injured in the shooting, is in stable condition and is expected to make a full recovery.
Ralph Leon Jackson, the man suspected of shooting Davis and Floyd, is currently detained at Middle River Regional Jail in Verona, Va., without bond. Jackson, who was charged originally with attempted first-degree murder on Davis, has had this charge elevated to first-degree murder following Davis' death, said Sgt. Aaron Leveck of the Augusta County Sheriff's Office. His initial charges of attempted murder on Floyd and the use of a firearm in a felony remain unchanged. Leveck added, however, that there might be changes to these charges in the future.
A preliminary hearing for Jackson is scheduled for June 17, Leveck said.
-compiled by Christina Holowinsky