As Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear dominated the news and South Park debuted a ridiculed retrospective reporter, Captain Hindsight, a steady focus on the media's ability to control narratives and impact public opinion emerged. While critiques of the media usually end with partisan citations of Fox News and MSNBC or a blasting at the story-hungry 24-hour press, it is important to evaluate our local media and what you read here in The Cavalier Daily. Without intending to sound like an ombudsman, I have particular qualms with the instantaneous flurry of articles attacking and critiquing University policies every time something bad happens on Grounds.
Every time there is an incident of hate or bias or any unforeseeable disaster, it seems easiest to assume the role of South Park's Captain Hindsight and react in disbelief that the University's policies did not prevent a truly despicable event. But the basic concept that one cannot fix a problem until it is identified is still at work. We should all consider the strides our University administration has taken in every direction - improving safety around Grounds, identifying ways to improve environmental sustainability, taking a hard-line against bias or whatever else