Have you ever been walking along, minding your own business and heard that familiar "hock puh" sound right beside you, and then looked to see a giant spit wad landing dangerously close to your shoes? I have. It's disgusting.
Spitting in public is one of several habits that I have noticed during the last few weeks as part of a rising trend of students doing gross things in public.
I know that pushing the envelope on what is socially acceptable is all a part of youth culture, and in most cases, I wholeheartedly support that. Sweatpants and leggings are the new jeans, we convey important information electronically instead of in person, and we readily post personal information for all to see online. I see nothing seriously wrong with any of these trends. Sending messages via text or e-mail saves time and money, social networking sites are a great way to stay on top of what is going on, and honestly, who doesn't want to wear their most comfortable pants to class?
But as much as I enjoy challenging Miss Manners about some of her more arcane rules of politeness, I think we are carrying it too far with some things.
When did it become fine for people to hurl giant loogies in dangerous proximity to innocent passersby? It seems at least once a day I see or hear someone who just can't hold it in anymore and has to spit nearby. And it's not just boys either; I have even seen a few girls guilty of projectile saliva.
Public spitting isn't the only grotesque habit I've noticed permeating everyday life. Not just once, but twice this semester, I have seen someone clipping their nails in class. Talk about disgusting. No one wants to go to class worried that they are in danger of having someone else's discarded nail fragments fly into their open backpacks. Ick.
Then there is one last habit for which I am going to target the boys a little unfairly - sorry, gentlemen, I just haven't seen a single girl do this yet - and that is walking around with your hands in your pants. I have no idea when this became socially acceptable, but I still think it is inappropriate and honestly just don't get the point. Are you really that constantly concerned about the welfare of the family jewels that you can't keep your hands above your waistband in public? If you were in kindergarten, your teacher would definitely yell at you to take your hands out of your pants, so why should things be any different now?
The only reason I can imagine that so many people are doing these things is because they think others don't notice. But let me be the first to say, on behalf of grossed-out people everywhere, that we notice. In fact, I have even begun shelling out dirty looks when I see people doing these things because, let's be honest, you earned it.
There is a reason these habits should not be considered socially acceptable. No one wants to witness another person's flying phlegm, see someone else's nail bits on their desk or worry about shaking hands with someone who may have just had their palm in their pants.
Katie's column runs weekly Tuesdays. She can be reached at k.mcnally@cavalierdaily.com.?