I always found it funny that as children, all we dream of is what we'll do when we grow up. As adults, however, all we want is to be kids again. And right smack in the middle is college. I always imagined college would be an endless stream of awesome. And hey, it has been. But it's also been insanely difficult. To put it dramatically, college is sort of the end of our childhood and the beginning of the rest of our lives.
For me, the best and worst thing about college has always been the fact that we have complete freedom. Yes, being here means living with friends, going out and having the time of our lives. But it also means schoolwork, extracurricular activities and managing your own time and expenses. And that balance between what you want to do and what you have to do has always been a bit of a party-pooper for me.
Let me put it another way: I turned 21 this past Winter Break. I don't think I have to explain to any college student exactly how important this birthday is. It may be the most important birthday of your college years. Finally, I can experience the thrill of having someone ask, "Can I see your ID?" But it isn't just that. Being 21 also means I'm a third-year student. And I'm realizing that I'm at that point in college when I have to start thinking about those two words that haunt us all: the future.
This is why all throughout last semester I had internships, summer plans, grad school, GREs, r