This is the first article I have ever written for The Cavalier Daily.
Let that sink in for a moment. Not only have I been a part of this newspaper since my first year, but the average person might think my rise through the paper's ranks was associated with me cranking out articles as a reporter. It was not.
Rather, I spent most of the past three years working behind the scenes for the production section. Instead of tracking down sources and crafting ledes, my job primarily entailed checking out new fonts and experimenting with new tricks in the paper's design software InDesign.
My background with the paper illustrates the most fascinating element of The Cavalier Daily. Though we do have plenty of writers and literary editors, we also have a wide array of staff members whose jobs have nothing to do with creating articles. Before each Cavalier Daily issue reaches readers, people from both of these groups must work together.
Suppose that, for example, the football team wins a game