SINCE every email costs 44 cents to send, we as human beings with rational self-interest naturally should cram as much communication into each parcel as possible. Well, not exactly, because thanks to acronyms such as SMTP, POP3, IPv6 and IMAP, email is now freer than air and we can send as many as we want. USPS - the United States Postal Service - is one acronym that certainly is not rejoicing in this feat. I might have an idea, however, that could put them back in black.
As a student, when have you ever said to yourself, "Mmmm, what a lovely day, I think I'd fancy reading the 87 new emails in my inbox"? If your response is that you do not want to spend your free time reading emails, nor writing responses to them, I also have an idea for you.
First, let us examine a breakdown of the content of these communiqu