What a pleasure to read an article in your paper written by one of my former students! The article is titled "When the Goins Gets Tough" (Nov. 9) by Tyler Deboard.
Tyler was in my first grade class and it did not take me long to realize he was an exceptional child. He was not only a joy to teach, but he was also extremely bright. It was difficult to find books to challenge him that were age appropriate. Not only was he reading books outside of class and writing reports, he was also reading stories from a fifth-grade reader with word meanings to learn and questions to answer. At first, Tyler was not that happy about the extra work, but he understood I was not giving him anything he could not accomplish.\nTyler is an outstanding young man, and I feel a great sense of pride that he has honored me by writing this article.
Suzanne Goins\nTeacher, Shoemaker Elementary '74-'05