Iconic director Martin Scorsese, known as the Gangster Priest for his proclivity for making violent Italian-American films, makes his first foray into family films with his new feature Hugo. Following the young orphan Hugo (Asa Butterfield) through a Parisian train station which doubles as his home, Scorsese shows audiences a new side of his filmmaking.
Taking place almost entirely within the confines of the train station, Hugo is the tale of the title character. Orphaned by his father's death and tasked with maintaining the station's clocks by an alcoholic uncle, the neglected Hugo spends his time tinkering with a mechanical man his deceased father had hoped to repair. All the while, he evades the station inspector (Sacha Baron Cohen) and his well-groomed four-legged friend. Forced to steal to survive, Hugo is eventually caught by toymaker and avant-garde filmmaker George M