13: The number of bills Gov. Bob McDonnell signed this week concerning energy policy
1: The number of state budgets McDonnell has yet to sign
85 billion: The approximate amount, in dollars, of the state budget for the next two fiscal years
77-19: The margin by which the House of Delegates passed the state budget
21-19: The margin by which the State Senate passed the state budget
146 million: The approximate amount, in dollars, of the budget passed by the City of Charlottesville for the next fiscal year
5-0: The margin by which City Council passed the budget
4: The percent rise in tuition for out-of-state students the Board of Visitors approved last Friday
1,448: The amount, in dollars, which tuition and fees will rise for out-of-state students
3.7: The percent rise in tuition for in-state students the Board of Visitors approved last Friday
430: The amount, in dollars, which tuition and fees will rise for in-state students
2: Number of bomb threats the University's Fontaine Research Park received during the span of a month
0: Number of text messages and emails students received from the University's emergency notification system about these threats
141,600: The average salary, in dollars, the University pays full professors according to a report released by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
80,300: The average salary, in dollars, the University pays assistant professors according to the AAUP report
487,000: The reported salary, in dollars, former University President John T. Casteen III received as his severance package
67.2: Percentage of University faculty who were tenured or tenure-track in 1995, according to an Academic Workforce database recently created by the Modern Language Association (MLA)
45.8: Percentage of University faculty who were tenured or tenure-track in 2009, according to the MLA data
8: Number of school days left in the semester
5: Number of Cavalier Daily issues left in the semester