Dear Cavalier Daily Editor:
In your June 20th Editorial, "Midnight judges," you have taken an unfair liberty with an unexplained fact.
In the editorial, you use the fact that I departed the Special BOV Meeting, to make the following condemnation:\n"Several Board members had little knowledge of Sullivan's removal and several would have wanted for her to return. But in the most important meeting of their lives they voted 12-1 for an interim, with two useless abstentions and the flight of member Glynn Key from the scene. For a group of leaders, most were followers, kept in the dark and deceived."
It would be personally convenient and gratifying if I described what happened in Executive Session, in order to explain to you why I departed at 1:30 am. But you know that it would be improper and dishonorable for me to breach the confidentiality requirements for Executive Session.
I know there are those that have been willing to do that with the press, but I am not one of them.
Glynn Key\nBoard of Visitors\nJune 21, 2012