Dear Edgar,
I’m on day three of Halloween celebrations, and I can’t think of any more creative costume ideas. I need some last-minute outfits with common accessories that won’t be totally lame so I can get into that frat party tonight. What are your tricks and treats?
HOO-lloween Hot Stuff
Hey Hot Stuff,
If there’s one piece of advice I can give you, it’s be fearless. Halloween is the time to go all out and you’ll have more success the bolder you go. Don’t be afraid to get colorful. Pull out that multicolored sweater and some cardboard and make yourself into a box of crayons. Or cut up construction paper into scales, attach to the back and hood of a blue sweatshirt, and declare yourself Rainbow Fish. Feeling a little less crafty? Try this simple solution: Dig out that denim shirt or blue button-down, tie a red bandana around your head and you’re Rosie the Riveter. Another option: Grab a white button-down, a pair of those plastic wayfarers you’ve no doubt collected as a U.Va. student and a white pair of frat star socks and, voila! You’re “Risky Business.” Just try to keep risky behavior to a minimum — kind of hard when I’m recommending you go pants-less, but one can only hope.
Get creative,
Hey Edgar,
With the election coming up, I need some help. I’m just so confused and don’t know what to believe or who to vote for. With Virginia being a swing state, I’m feeling extra pressure.
Please help,
Elect-ile Dysfunction
Dear ED,
Edgar’s a little appalled at this point if you haven’t been following The Cavalier Daily’s election coverage. If you’re only oblivious because you skip right to Ask Edgar, however, that’s a different story. Anyway, I’ve got a solution in store for you: Try checking out to gauge where your alliances lie. You’ll take a quiz to see where you fall on the political spectrum, answering basic questions about your opinion on questions of foreign, social and environmental policy. Once you’ve been matched with a candidate, try not to hang your head in shame knowing you just based your vote on the political equivalent of a Myspace survey.
Rock the vote,
Dear Edgar,
I’m a first year and I have been dating a girl since junior year of high school. Unfortunately, she goes to Virginia Tech. Try not to hold that against her. Our relationship was incredible until August. But we’ve been growing apart ever since we went to college. I feel like she’s holding me back from great college experiences, but I don’t want to end things yet. Should I stick it out until Thanksgiving break when I can see her and maybe participate in the great turkey drop? Or should I cut ties now?
Thanks man,
Stuck in Senior year
Dear Stuck in Senior year,
Long-distance relationships can be really hard, especially in your first semester of college when dormcest is the norm. It isn’t easy to get excited about Skype dates and long texting conversations. You have to think about whether or not your girlfriend is worth the high opportunity cost, and considering she chose Tech, I’m not sure how likely that is. But the general terribleness of Tech aside, you need to consider how important this relationship is to you and whether or not it’s something that you want to be fully invested in. It’s not fair to you or to her for you to stay in a relationship you don’t want to be in.
Nothing easy is ever worthwhile,
Disclaimer: Edgar is not a medical professional nor a psychiatrist. Edgar listens to your problems and offers what he hopes are constructive comments. By taking his advice, however, you accept full responsibility for your own actions.