The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Love Connection: David and Laura

When push comes to shove, David will squat two of you

Year: Second
School: College
Major: Politics and History
U.Va. involvement: Burke Society, Men’s Club Rugby
Hometown: Riverhead, Long Island
Ideal date (person): I like a shorter girl with straight brown hair and an athletic body. She doesn’t have to be athletic but I work out a fair bit so I would like her to take care of herself too. She needs to be able to hold her own in conversation. I also like girls who are in tune with current events and are able to form opinions on those events and discuss them.
Ideal date (activity): Go to dinner, and stroll on the beach at sunset holding hands without a care in the world. But, seriously dinner and a walk on a nice night is ideal.
Deal breakers? Shy, quiet girls. Girls who don’t take care of themselves.
Describe a typical weekend: Wake up late, waste time online, work out and then hang out with the Rugby guys.
Hobbies: Firefighting, Redditing, YouTube, Video games, Rugby, politics and [following] current events
If your dating life were a primetime or reality show, what would it be? Recently it’s been a lot like ‘Wipeout.’ Just when I think I found a nice girl — BAM! I get blindsided.
Have you ever streaked the Lawn? Yes, but just once, and it was cold.
What makes you a good catch? I have a strong jaw and great cheek bones to accompany my fun and exciting personality. I also can grow a thick beard which is pretty manly if you want my opinion on the matter. I am also very intellectually stimulating and although I’m not buff, I am strong. If push came to shove I could probably squat two of you, which ain’t too bad.
Describe yourself in one sentence: I am talkative, smart and a catch for any woman.

Year: Second
Major: English and Spanish
U.Va. Involvement: Madison House, Club Tennis, First Year Facilitator, Alpha Chi Omega.
Hometown: Alexandria, Va.
Ideal date (person): Fit, hot, funny, intelligent.
Ideal date (activity): Getting out of C’ville for something new and different, maybe hiking or Monticello or something, then coming back for food.
If you could date any celebrity, who would it be? Christian Bale
Deal breakers? Snobby, uptight, not adventurous.
Describe a typical weekend. I laze around during the day and go out at night
Hobbies: Watching funny videos on the Internet, eating FroYo, reading
If your dating life was a primetime or reality show, what would it be? Girls
What makes you a good catch? People tell me I’m funny.
Describe yourself in one sentence: I have an extreme affinity for onesies.

David and Laura met at the Rotunda at 7 p.m. on Sunday and went to The Virginian.

David: I had some friends fill out the survey; I didn’t fill it out, then I looked over it and said “whatever, I’ll do it.”

Laura: One of my friends works for The Cavalier Daily and she wanted me to fill it out. I was pretty into it — I was in a condition to be easily persuaded to do it [when I got the text].

David: I sat [at the Rotunda] for a little bit. There was a tour going on. I guess I wasn’t paying attention; I was on my phone, and then she said “oh you’re here for Love Connection.”

Laura: I walked up probably five minutes late, and there was a kid sitting there and he never said anything, then I overheard him saying “I’m here for some date thing.” He seemed nice I guess, I don’t know.

David: She was nice, but probably not my type. I kind of wanted a club sandwich, and she was alright with that, so we went to The Virginian.

Laura: He was not really my type. He didn’t really make eye contact. He just seemed more reserved, I guess, than I would normally go for.

David: We talked about school stuff, majors, who we know, classes and stuff. The conversation was constant — it didn’t really stop. She was definitely supporting the conversation, I just asked a couple questions.

Laura: The conversation was just like basic information, kind of, it was fine. [It] never faltered but it was never interesting. I feel like the talking was fairly even. There were moments of awkward; it wasn’t cripplingly awkward, but I never really felt comfortable — I always felt kind of forced.

David: We’re in a class together. We’re [both] second-years, I think.

Laura: We really didn’t have that much in common. We go to U.Va. He plays rugby, I play sports. We’re both on club teams. We’ve both taken a few history classes.

David: No, there was no flirting going on. We said bye and left. That was about it.

Laura: I’m sorry, this was such a boring date. I don’t feel like there was any flirting going on. I paid for mine, he paid for his.

David: The date was not a 0, but it’s not a 10, I’ll be nice and call it a 6.

Laura: It was one of those things when I was there, it wasn’t awful, but I wish that I was not there. Pretty much hanging out with any of my friends would have been way more fun. I guess a 5.

Neither David nor Laura were too keen on seeing the other at any point in the future.

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