Year: Third year
School: E-School
Major: Civil & Environmental Engineering
U.Va. involvement: Sigma Pi
Hometown: Fairfax, Va.
Ideal date (peron): A Natalie Portman/Kate Beckinsale-vibe
Ideal date (personality): Not crazy
Ideal date (activity): Nothing too long
Deal breakers? Depends.
Describe a typical weekend: Read for class, go out once or twice, trying to be not lazy
Hobbies: Lifting
What makes you a good catch? I’m not really.
What makes you a less-than-perfect catch? Lots
What is your spirit animal? What?
Describe yourself in one sentence? I can’t.
Do you like horror movies? No.
Have you ever (or will you ever) travel around another country alone?I have
Wouldn’t it be fun to chuck it all and go live on a sailboat? Yes when i can
Year: Second year
School: College
Major: Pre-Commerce involvement – Sigma Delta Tau, Women’s Business Forum, AMA, Outdoors at UVA, Intramural sports, Reunions Assistant for the UVA Alumni Association
Hometown: Midlothian, Va.
Ideal date (person): Funny, athletic, intelligent, likes to goof off, doesn’t spend more time planning his outfits than I do
Ideal date (activity): Something outdoorsy or athletic, like going on a hike or to a U.Va. baseball or football game
If you could date any celebrity, who would it be? The actor that plays Ragnar Lothbrok on the show Vikings — I dig the rugged look.
Deal breakers? I hate when people take themselves too seriously.
Describe a typical weekend: Thursday, Friday and Saturday night you’ll most likely run into me on Rugby [Rd.]. Then I like to catch up on shows I missed during the week, go to the gym and sleep a lot. Sunday I try to get a good start on my schoolwork for the week.
Hobbies: I try to play on as many intramural teams as I can. I’m really interested in Marketing/Advertising so I often attend forums put on by AMA.
Have you ever streaked the lawn? No.
What makes you a good catch? I have a very laid back, no stress lifestyle. I’m driven, but at the same time I like to let loose and am always up for a good time. Oh, and I’m really good at cornhole.
Describe yourself in one sentence: I still use a flip phone because I tell myself I will buy an iPhone when it breaks, but the damn thing is indestructible.
Gavin and Olivia met at the Rotunda on Saturday night at 7 p.m. after the football game, after which they went to the Virginian for dinner.
Olivia: I filled out the survey because I needed a break from studying during finals [last year]. I’d forgotten I’d even filled out the survey. I told my roommate just so she didn’t ask where I was going, but I wanted to surprise my friends when they saw it in the CavDaily (Editor’s note: surprise!).
Gavin: I have never been on a blind date before. I went in without expectations. I usually grow into someone. I [wouldn’t say I] really have a type.
Olivia: I’ve been on a blind date once for a date function last year. Shout out to Patrick Baines for setting the bar high! I felt like I was in a no-loss situation — go out, meet somebody new and if it was awkward, never speak to him again.
Gavin: There weren’t too many people at the Rotunda because of the rain. Olivia seemed like a nice girl.
Olivia: It was obvious we were each other’s blind dates. He shook my hand and was forward and nice. He seemed like a nice guy. He was not exactly my type, since I wrote rugged in the survey.
Gavin: I thought it was going to start raining and I didn’t want to walk too far from the Rotunda. She didn’t care, obviously. We did the whole stereotypical, “Where do you want to go for dinner?” [followed by an] “I don’t know!”
Olivia: We talked about sports, internships and summer jobs and what we like to do at U.Va., going out and stuff. The conversation ran pretty smoothly.
Gavin: We did the whole first date thing: childhood, high school and how the football game was. Lots of small things.
Olivia: It was pretty back and forth. Yeah, [I’d say it was easy]. We’re both in Greek life, we both played high school sports. We had enough in common that the conversation was easy.
Gavin: She was laid back, cool. I would guess the conversation was fairly even. I didn’t feel it was awkward. We both go to U.Va.!
Olivia: We were just kind of sharing stories and talking — not flirtatious.
Gavin: [In terms of the vibe], I plead the fifth. I’m terrible at picking up signals, so I don’t really know.
Olivia: We didn’t [make] any definite plans [for after], but I ran into him at a party and said hi. Not really a romantic connection, but he’s a cool guy.
Gavin: I got cold [in the Virginian] and we went outside, and we parted ways there. We exchanged numbers.
Olivia: I have not added him on Facebook, but if I get a friend request, I’ll accept.
Gavin: I hate the rating system, but I’d give it 8.5 out of 10 if I had to.
Olivia: I’d rate the date an 8.4999999999. He brought up what we would say in the interview later, and he wanted to mutually agree upon 8.5.