Student group Crafting for Conservation and Student Council’s Sustainability Committee gathered in the Garden Room on the Range to present the first Sustainable Art Gallery on Friday and to celebrate “America Recycles Day.”
The room, located just above West Range Café, was transformed into a cozy art gallery with the help of a jazz band and food catered by University Dining. The displays included art such as pressed leaves, bowls made from melted records and cork art.
Inspiration for the event came from third-year College student Emily Churchill, who is an executive board member of Crafting for Conservation — a contracted independent organization which meets weekly to make recycled art such as magazine wallets.
“We’re trying to bring together different arts groups and environmentally conscious groups on Grounds to raise awareness about sustainable living,” Churchill said.
The artists were encouraged to donate their art to Casa Alma, a Belmont refuge home run by a local couple that provides relief and housing for community members in need.
“[The goal was] to reach out to students who are really into art,” said third-year College student Rebecca Walker, an event organizer. “There are ways to incorporate sustainability into every aspect of your life. My specific focus when I do events for sustainability is to try and reach out to a group of people that we don’t normally talk to.”
Churchill said her group is already planning events for Earth Week in the spring, and is planning on doing this same event next year.
“I feel really passionate about working to conserve what we have,” Walker said. “I think that as students at U.Va., one of the best schools in the nation, it’s our job to make sure we protect things for the long-term and that’s what sustainability is to me.”