8 million — Number of dollars that will go towards helping low income students attend the University, if John Griffin’s $4 million challenge grant is matched
3 million — Dollars from above grant that will go directly to AccessUVa
33.8 billion — Total donations made to colleges and universities in the United States during the year 2013
9 billion — Portion of above donations coming from alumni
10 — Percent increase of donations to colleges from 2012 to 2013
11.7 — Percent return on college endowments in the year 2013
19.4 — Percentage of the University’s Academic Division budget that comes from endowment support and gifts
250 — Dollar limit on tangible gifts from lobbyists to elected officials in the new Virginia ethics reform bill
756 — Number of gifts to state elected officials in Virginia in 2012
360,895 — Total dollar value of above gifts
0 — Number of above gifts from 2012 that would have been banned by the new ethics reform bill
23 — Number of states represented at the University’s sexual assault conference on Monday and Tuesday, along with the District of Columbia
78 — Number of different higher education institutions represented at the conference
310 — Number of University students who applied to live on the Lawn
47 — Number of Lawn applicants who were given offers
4,535 — Amount of money raised thus far for The Cavalier Daily’s Indiegogo campaign to get new distribution boxes
8,000 — Total amount that The Cavalier Daily needs to reach our campaign goal
14 — Number of days left to donate to the campaign