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Top 10 date spots on Grounds

1. Einstein Bros Bagels in the Bookstore

With about three square feet of space for lounging and ropes surrounding you, you’ll feel like you’re in the VIP section of an upscale club. The rope may be synthetic and not as swanky as the one in Roots, but at least you won’t be surrounded by a million hangry people yelling for an El Jefe over a wall of glass. Originality points for not picking Bodo’s. Another romantic note: the Bookstore doors open on their own, so there’s no reason to stress over chivalry!

2. Music Library

All the muted noise of music majors practicing their craft in not-so-soundproof rooms in this space screams “date me.” Not many people know about the existence of this library, so you are quite literally marching to the beat of your own drum. It’s guaranteed to make your date’s heartbeat pick up tempo! Potential problem: you’re not really allowed to speak in the Music Library. Potential solution: go old-school, share a pair of headphones and communicate through song.

3. New Dorms

As a resident of Old Dorms my first year, I am still extremely bitter about the amenities of New Dorms. Have you seen those lounges? With 360-degree aerial views of Grounds, you’re basically on top of the Empire State Building — minus the New York City skyline and all the people. Watch a recording of a Broadway show on one of the TVs while barricading the door with couches so no one can get in to ensure your date remains as private as those glass windows allow. If you’re not a first year, breaking in may be hard, but it will be a good story to tell your kids in 20 years.

4. The AFC

While there may be other ways to break a sweat while on a date (I’m of course referring to nerves), the AFC is a wonderful place to foster budding affection. During the first hour, hold hands on the treadmill. It’s a test in both coordination and dedication, and you’ll be able to gauge true compatibility with your date based on how long you last. The next hour should be spent in the hot tub, but only in appropriate bathing suits. The last hour can be spent planning to run a half-marathon together over smoothies, assuming the tandem running was a success.

5. O’Hill Observatory

Netflix and O’Hill, anyone? Bring your significant other here for a nice night of stargazing. Bonus points if you have Astronomy homework to do as well — kill two birds with one stone! Make sure to brush up on your knowledge of the constellations, as there’s no way you’re actually paying attention in ASTR 1010, and impress your date by saying your astrological signs are compatible, or go the extra mile and name a star after him or her. Nothing screams romanticism like a star you’ll never be able to actually find!

6. President Teresa Sullivan’s House

When Thomas Jefferson built this University, he intended for faculty and students to coexist. To this end, I find it a little ridiculous President Sullivan lives so far away — take it upon yourself to embody the closeness that Jefferson desired and make yourself right at home. If she tries to kick you and your date out, don’t take no for an answer. Cook her a romantic dinner and make her a Valentine; she’ll be sure to enjoy this tender yet obtrusive gesture. It’s sure to be a bonding experience unlike anything you’ve done before.

7. N2Go

N2Go big or go home, right? Romanticism, characterized by a short walk through an equally short selection of food options and recyclable containers. Get two slices of pizza and put them together to make a heart shape — this may require some advanced fork and knife skills, because we all know dining hall plastic utensils never quite cut it. The combined use of muscles and ingenuity will surely make it a date to remember. This has potential for a speed-dating situation: one meal swipe, one date, repeat!

8. The Rotunda

Rather, the little tunnel behind the wall blocking the entrance to the Rotunda. It’s close enough, and isn’t tunneling on the list of things to do before you graduate? Talk about how annoying the renovations are and how great the capitals look. Keep in mind the time of day when choosing your outfit — consider the implications of a late-night date versus a daytime one. Bring a picnic (or your N2Go) and eat it together on the Lawn — a heat lamp may be necessary, but hope your date is steamy enough you won’t need it.

9. Buckingham Palace

No one actually knows what the elusive F1 on U.Va.’s official map of Central Grounds is used for. Is it the real Buckingham Palace? Isn’t that in England? Regardless, this date spot is extra romantic due to its privacy — or its questionable existence. But, if you succeed in finding it I’m sure you’ll have a good time. Your date will be impressed by both your in-depth knowledge of the University and excellent map skills. Have a tea party here to honor the building’s potential British roots. Your date will feel like royalty.

10. Commerce School

Does money and banking turn you on? Are you into free food all the time? Do you hear the words financial accounting and not automatically start crying? Sounds like a trip to the depths of Rouss-Robertson is in the cards for you. The neon, ever-running stock market ticker provides great ambiance, as does the stress of all the students trying to do work and wondering why they didn’t bring a bottle of wine themselves. Keep Comm and carry on, but remember to be quiet. If you don’t, the only red you’ll be seeing will be in the faces of those around you.

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Editor's Note: This episode was recorded on Feb. 17, so some celebratory events mentioned in the podcast have already passed.

Hashim O. Davis, the assistant dean of the OAAA and director of the Luther Porter Jackson Black Cultural Center, discusses the relevance and importance of  “Celebrating Resilience,” OAAA’s theme for this year’s Black History Month celebration.