Student Council is dedicated to serving students — all students. Its website reads: “The official purpose of Student Council is to protect and improve the rights, opportunities, and quality of life of every student at the University of Virginia.” In its initial denial of the CIO application for an organization that represents undocumented students, DREAMers, Student Council failed to adhere to its obligation to respect every student.
While it is important to understand that undocumented students are composed of many different ethnicities and races, the majority are, indeed Hispanic or Latino. Many studies have shown that undocumented students face incredible burdens that are difficult to overcome. A University of California professor found that “As adults, these young people wind up making less money, are less likely to own their homes and have less schooling — discrepancies which are directly linked to their immigration status.” And the University is not an exception — as of 2010, just under 6 percent of the student body identified as Hispanic or Latino. As such, we need to take steps to ensure that every student is represented and their rights are protected.
The University receives high praise for its honor code and community of trust. One of the core principles of this community of trust is for students to “seek to conduct ourselves with integrity, respecting the work and property of our fellow students.” Is it not the responsibility of every member of the University to respect all students, whether documented or not? I personally support the mission of the DREAMers on Grounds “to create a more inclusive environment and an overall safe space for undocumented students at U.Va.,” and we should all, at the very least, support the DREAMers because they are fellow students who simply want their rights as students recognized. Creating a more inclusive University — one that actively welcomes students from varying races, genders, socioeconomic statuses, documentation status and so on — is a goal for which we should all strive.
Unfortunately, some do not seem to share my sentiment. Law school representative Erich Reimer, posted the following status to his Facebook: “UVA Student Council News: bill approving a student group to support illegal immigrants at UVA has been defeated! #conservative.”
It is appalling to me that someone in such a position of power would let their political views take importance over their duties as a Student Council representative. I am disappointed in Reimer, and I find his behavior inexcusable (particularly so because he campaigned for Student Council using a satirical platform “Make UVA Law great again” that spoofs Donald Trump’s racist campaign). Though Reimer did apologize to the DREAMers and indicate that he will “represent all students on campus regardless of political leanings,” the damage of his offensive comment cannot be taken away.
Reimer’s words and actions do not speak for the entirety of Student Council, but I believe students are justified in their critique of the Student Council. I am a strong proponent of constructively critiquing those in positions of power, and I make no exception with Student Council. According to the DREAMers petition, derogatory comments such as “this group could compromise the University’s image” were made during the discussion of the organization. For a Student Council executive board with little minority representation (no African-American or Hispanic or Latino representatives), it is disappointing to know that there was an astounding lack of communication between Student Council and DREAMers. Additionally, I am disappointed to know part of the reason the organization was denied at first was because, as the executive board stated, “rather very new representatives (they had been sworn in at this meeting) were unaware of their responsibilities as representatives.” Not only does this fail to protect and improve rights student organizations have to a fair process of CIO approval, but it also shows how Student Council views the DREAMers as an organization undeserving of approval.
Though initially denying CIO status to an organization might not be uncommon, I cannot help but think that if this organization had a mission that upholds traditional University beliefs that support existing structures (such as the missions of the University Guides, the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society and so on), Student Council might have taken more steps to ensure the organization was confirmed. While their intent might have been innocent, I expect our representatives to treat all students fairly and to follow the rules they enumerated for their organization.
Despite my qualms with those who do not support the DREAMers on Grounds, I have been comforted by the incredible support for the organization and for undocumented students. More than 1,000 people signed DREAMers’ petition, and 50 students came to the Student Council vote to show their support. Fortunately, after Student Council representatives casted their ballots again, DREAMers was approved as a CIO on grounds.
The failures of Student Council to fulfill its duty to justly serve and represent all students are unacceptable. As students of the University, we should expect more from our representatives, and we should support the DREAMers on Grounds in their efforts to create a more inclusive university.
Meghan Grumbling is a Viewpoint writer.