379: Days Otto Warmbier has been in detention in North Korea
330: Number of sentences Obama commuted during his last week in office
1,715: Number of sentences Obama commuted during his presidency
160,000: Estimated number of attendees at the Presidential inauguration
14: Number of executive orders President Trump has signed so far
15 billion: Estimated amount of dollars Trump’s wall will cost
470,000: Estimated number of attendees at the Women’s March on Washington
2: Number of times U.Va. alum and noted white nationalist Richard Spencer got punched in the face
8: U.Va. men’s basketball home wins
9: U.Va. women’s basketball home wins
20,446: Number of early-action applicants
5,910: Number of accepted early-action applicants
15 million: Cost of the Cornerstone Grant over the next three years
1: Number of Democratic Virginia U.S. senators who approved Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State
3: Number of days left to drop that class you hate
151: Highest alcohol proof proposed in the Virginia General Assembly as of last Wednesday
Correction: The article previously stated incorrectly that 151 was the highest alcohol proof legalized in Virginia.