“The Lego Batman Movie” delights with a strong and humorous narrative that explores complex emotions in the guise of a wacky kids movie. Never before has Batman been so campy yet so serious at the same time. In an incredibly goofy and playful world filled with crazy gadgets and costumes, Batman must overcome the tendency to self-isolate from the pain of his parents’ death. The combination of these elements seems ludicrous at first, but quickly proves genius.
The jokes begin as soon as the last preview ends. With a myriad of meta references to anything from Batman’s previous incarnations to allusions of other Warner Bros. villains, the film offers substance for older audiences as well. Batman’s journey in the film is rife with notable DC characters — an engaging blast back to childhood for all audiences.
The voices of the film bring more life to their characters than some live actors — no role feels miscast. Will Arnett tops the cast as Batman, reprising his appearance in “The Lego Movie.” Arnett embodies the character as a classic gruffled Batman. Arnett is no stranger to bringing surprising realism to a goofy cartoon, as he also stars in Netflix’s “BoJack Horseman” in a role that is equally hilarious and introspective. Michael Cera imparts high energy and naiveté in Robin, creating childlike wonder and humor. Rosario Dawson brings confidence and strength to her role as Barbara Gordon — one of Batman’s only critics.
Shrouded in poppy references and hiding behind a child’s toy brand is a deep and insightful look into the humanity of Batman. “The Lego Batman Movie” questions Batman’s understood habits of isolation and emotional distance. Throughout the film, Batman struggles to let anyone past his defenses. This emotional struggle is central to the narrative — a feat no realistic incarnation of Batman has accomplished. Many children’s films feature some kind of lesson or insight, but never has the lesson been so complex as to resonate with an older generation as well.