Going home over break always means loads of questions from your family. Give them an answer they don’t like and they might stop giving you money. I’ve never met you or your family but I think I can help you out this spring break.
The key to convincing your relatives that you’re exactly who they want you to be is not in outright lying to them, but rather in translating your first thought to something more likely to be parent approved.
I learned some valuable lessons over winter break. Picture this — there I am, relaxing in my childhood home. I can smell dinner cooking and I didn’t have to pay for it, I have no assignments due at midnight. But then, in this calm state — they strike. The parents. Question after question about college. I’m supposed to be on a break from thinking! And in this ambush I almost slip up, I almost make a huge mistake. I almost reveal the truth. Incidents like these led me to perfect the responses that the adults in your life want to hear, and I’m ready to share my wisdom with you.
So print these charts out (remember you don’t want to get grilled for always being on your phone) and keep them folded in your pocket incase you get asked any of these common questions over break.
"Where do you and your friends hang out?"
“How are you doing in your classes?”
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“Did you join any new clubs?”
“What’s your favorite thing about college?”
And finally, the most difficult question of all: “Have you had anymore thoughts on what you want to do after you graduate?”
Hopefully this will help you impress your relatives and keep them believing you have your entire life together. Even if you aren’t going back home, you never know when your parents might launch a surprise interrogation over the phone. With answers like these you should be able to convince them that you are everything they hope you are. Have fun being the golden child this spring break!
DISCLAIMER: Emma Klein is not responsible for any follow up questions that may occur or any subsequent confusion from your parents should the quality of your answer drop if the question is not a charted conversation topic. Emma Klein is in no way liable for any holes that you dig yourself into with these answers. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK