The Cavalier Daily
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Friend Connection: Amy and Olivia

Amy and Olivia met at Corner Juice on the Corner

<p>Amy and Olivia met at Corner Juice.&nbsp;</p>

Amy and Olivia met at Corner Juice. 

Olivia Hudson: second-year College student

Dream job: Pediatrician 

Childhood hero: Popeye 

If you were a plant or an animal, what would you be?: Cactus / horse

If you could describe yourself as a movie/album title, what would it be?: “Soul Searching”

Amy Paz Cuervo: first-year Engineering student  

Dream job: Aerospace engineer 

Childhood hero: My dad

If you were a plant or an animal, what would you be?: Turtle 

If you could describe yourself as a movie/album title, what would it be?: “Looking for something fun” 

Amy and Olivia met at Corner Juice

Amy: I met up with my Friend Connection yesterday, which was Saturday, Oct. 24, at Corner Juice and we just had lunch … we went and had lunch on the Lawn and we kind of talked about just U.Va. and stuff. 

Olivia: I would say it was probably a little awkward at first just because meeting new people is already kind of awkward and then having it be a structured meeting … but after a little while, it was really cool. It was nice getting to meet somebody, and since she’s a first year, I never would have ever met her otherwise so it was really nice.

Amy: I got there first, and she got there later, so at first, I was kind of nervous because I wasn’t exactly sure who to look for, but then we met and it was nice. We got to talking, we got to know each other a little bit and she’s a second year so I kind of, like, had some questions, and she kind of helped me out … we had a similar class so we kind of bonded over our chemistry class and stuff like that. 

Olivia: We mainly talked about classes at first, how we were adjusting, how she liked college, what kind of classes she was taking. We found out that we both really like school a lot and we’re both kind of like science-y people, she’s in [the Engineering school] and she wants to be … I think an aerospace engineer is what she said. So we talked about what made her want to be an aerospace engineer, what kinds of classes she was taking, how she was adjusting to everything and then we talked about family life and background, stuff like that.

Amy: I think she’s really fun, and I think she’s really adventurous in a way … she’s unique and does different kinds of things. 

Olivia: I would say she’s really sweet and she’s really attentive when you’re talking to her. She likes to ask a lot of questions and she’s very open … accepting [and] really funny. 

Amy: She was really nice and … we will probably make plans to go somewhere else and explore the Charlottesville community … we maybe made plans to go hiking [since] we both like outdoors stuff, and we both really like the fall here and we were talking about the leaves and scenery and stuff like that. 

Olivia: I would say we formed a good connection, we talked for a long time. We actually have plans to go apple picking together in the upcoming weeks, so I would say it went really well. 

Amy: I definitely liked [Friend Connection]. It was fun, and I guess my motivation was to kind of go out and meet new people. I would recommend for other people to do it too because it’s fun and it’s exciting and it’s just establishing connections. 

Olivia: It wasn’t entirely my idea to sign up for this. A girl on the riding team, she writes for [The] Cavalier Daily and said that they wanted more people to try it out and sign up for it so I just signed up, filled out the link and didn’t really think much of it until a week or so later when I got the email and was like, “Oh, OK, this is going to be cool,” and it ended up being really cool.

Amy: I thought this was a really fun experience actually. I would definitely do it again because it’s a great way to meet new people, especially now that we’re on Zoom and I guess the survey set us up to not be too opposite so we get along pretty well. 

Olivia: I was a little skeptical of it at first, like going and meeting somebody, not knowing who they were, or if it were even going to be any fun at all but it ended up being worth it — it was really cool. Also, I would recommend it to anybody looking to make friends or even just have somebody to talk to for the afternoon … even if you were skeptical of it at first, it’s definitely worth it, like even just getting out to talk to a person. Being that it's a pandemic and all of that, it’s really nice to just be able to talk to somebody. 

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