Picture of traffic on Route 29 from the McCormick Road Bridge.
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VDOT likely to sell bypass land to residents
By Caelainn Carney | April 11, 2014The Virginia Department of Transportation has taken plans to build a Western Bypass over Route 29 out of consideration. The decision poses questions surrounding the use of land purchased for the project. Many area residents hope VDOT will sell back the right-of-way for the land to members of the community.
VDOT Advisory Panel takes 29 Bypass off table
By Leopold Spohngellert | March 20, 2014The $200 million plan to create the Western Bypass on Route 29 through Charlottesville has been shelved, said incoming Chair of the Route 29 Advisory Board Philip Shucet.
Lynchburg requests 29 bypass
By Valerie Clemens | November 12, 2010[caption id="attachment_38264" align="alignleft" width="199" caption="The Lynchburg City Council, with support from its Chamber of Commerce, is hoping that a bypass would improve traffic flow.