The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

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Artwork by Kristen Rexter pairs with poem, titled "Hoping To Find Me," written by a patient who participated in the U.Va. Cancer Center workshop.

From pain to pen: expressive writing and healing 从疼痛到创作:抒发性写作与治愈

Charlotte Matthews是弗吉尼亚大学英语副教授,刚刚从三期乳腺癌中恢复。恢复期间,Matthews开始尝试诗歌创作,成功让自己找回了生活的力量。Matthews希望把自己的经历分享给更多罹患癌症的女性,所以她与电影制作人Betsy Cox合作,发起名为Whistle Words的多元化项目,包括写作讲座、在线诗集分享与纪录片等部分。

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With Election Day looming overhead, students are faced with questions about how and why this election, and their vote, matters. Ella Nelsen and Blake Boudreaux, presidents of University Democrats and College Republicans, respectively, and fourth-year College students, delve into the changes that student advocacy and political involvement are facing this election season.