The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

City & Government

Goodwin has served as rector since 2015. 

BOV member Goodwin appointed Gillespie campaign co-chair

University of Virginia Board of Visitors member William H. Goodwin Jr. was appointed as a finance committee co-chair for Ed Gillespie’s senatorial campaign Wednesday. Gillespie, a communications consultant and former White House aide, is the likely Republican nominee for the Virginia seat in the Senate currently filled by Sen. Mark Warner.

	Picture of traffic on Route 29 from the McCormick Road Bridge.

VDOT likely to sell bypass land to residents

The Virginia Department of Transportation has taken plans to build a Western Bypass over Route 29 out of consideration. The decision poses questions surrounding the use of land purchased for the project. Many area residents hope VDOT will sell back the right-of-way for the land to members of the community.


Jefferson Center gives nine "Jefferson Muzzle" awards

The Charlottesville-based Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression announced nine recipients for the 2014 Jefferson Muzzle awards. The awards, according to the group’s website, “draw national attention to abridgments of free speech and press and, at the same time, foster an appreciation for those tenets of the First Amendment.”

	Charlottesville Mayor Satyendra Huja (above) will urge city residents to conserve water.

Charlottesville to take part in water conservation challenge

The 3rd Annual Wyland Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation — a month-long competition between communities across the nation to see who achieve the greatest reduction in water and energy consumption — is coming to Charlottesville. The competition will take place through the month of April.

	Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Charlottesville, above.

OSIG releases Deeds stabbing report

The Office of the State Inspector General and State Inspector General Michael Morehart released a report Thursday, having completed an investigation of the stabbing of Sen. Creigh Deeds at his home last November.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.