The Cavalier Daily
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City & Government

	Virginia State Capital in Richmond, VA, above.

McAuliffe exercises first veto

Gov. Terry McAuliffe exercised his right to veto a state bill for the first time Wednesday on House Bill 962. The bill would have clarified existing legislation about guns stored in motor vehicles when the owner does not have a concealed weapons permit. It stipulated that the guns must be in “secured” containers, such as glove compartments or consoles, but not necessarily locked containers. McAuliffe’s objection to the bill was that not requiring the containers be locked was a public safety risk.

	Charlottesville City Council meeting, 2012.

Charlottesville City Council discusses FY 2015 budget

Charlottesville City Council met Monday evening to discuss the proposal for the city’s budget for the fiscal year of 2015. The proposed $150 million budget is 1.65% higher than last year’s, and includes $16.5 million toward the city’s Capital Improvement Program. City Manager Maurice Jones, who presented the budget at the meeting, attributes the proposed increase to a decrease in state funding of city schools.

	Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Charlottesville, above, pictured before his run for governor in 2009.

House, Senate advance mental health bills

Following the November tragedy in which Gus Deeds, son of Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Charlottesville, stabbed his father before committing suicide, both the House and the Senate have proposed bills to prevent future incidents. The measures garnered broad, bipartisan support in a series of votes before the legislature left for recess earlier this month.

	Some Albemarle County voters cast their ballots at Alumni Hall, among other locations, in the elections last fall.

DNC launches anti-voter ID law campaign

The Democratic National Committee launched a new campaign against voter ID laws last Tuesday. While the campaign focused on North Carolina, Florida and Pennsylvania, Democratic officials expressed concern with Virginia’s 2013 voter ID law. Northam, however, does not think the state legislature will pass changes to the law before the Fall 2014 elections.


Republican-Democratic budget battle heats up

The fight about Medicaid expansion in Virginia got more heated on Wednesday. Republicans and several local leaders called on Democrats to pass a budget and consider Medicaid expansion afterward, while Democrats said Republicans were ignoring a good business case for giving more Virginians health insurance.

	The Albemarle County Police Station

AMBER alert goes off on Grounds

An AMBER Alert reached students across Grounds last Wednesday, Feb. 19, as part of an effort to recover five-year-old Amiyah Monet Dallas. She was found alive later that day.

The south portico of the Virginia State Capitol, in Richmond, VA, with the Senate, left, and House of Delegates (right) chambers. Photo taken Monday, April 23, 2007.

McAuliffe signs hybrid tax repeal

Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed into law last week a repeal of the $64 tax on hybrid cars in Virginia, first enacted last year. McAuliffe repealed the bill during an appearance on WTOP radio’s “Ask the Governor” program. The revised mandate will go into effect July 1, 2014 and affect approximately 75,000 hybrid vehicle owners in the state.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.