The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

City & Government


Uh-oh, those summer nights

With looming finals dampening everyone’s spirits, it seems to be the perfect time to look ahead to a sunnier, more melodic season.



By now, students who regularly pass by the Fralin Museum on Rugby Road have probably noticed a big change in the terrace of the University’s art museum.


McAuliffe jumps out to early fundraising lead

Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Terry McAuliffe announced Friday he raised over $5 million in the first quarter of the Virginia governor’s race. Republican Candidate Ken Cuccinelli, the Virginia attorney general, announced he raised $2.4 million in the same time period Monday evening.


Local groups host immigration rally

Proponents of immigrant reform, advocating easier means for undocumented people to gain citizenship, rallied in front of the Albemarle County Office Building Monday evening.


Graduate student announces City Council candidacy

Graduate Arts & Sciences student Adam Lees has announced he is intending to run for a seat on the Charlottesville City Council this November to improve the University’s relationship with the community and better represent students in City Hall.


ACTA appeals Department of Education's decision

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni on Friday appealed its Dec. 31 complaint to the Department of Education protesting “wrongful interference with institutional autonomy and governance powers” by the University’s accrediting body.


Gov. approves high-tech classrooms grant

The University received a $300,000 grant from the Office of Gov. Bob McDonnell Monday to plan a science education partnership with Charlottesville City Schools. The partnership will encourage scientific learning by providing students high-tech equipment to work with, Curry Prof.


Bolling discusses political future

During Politics Prof. Larry Sabato’s class Monday afternoon, Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling discussed his possible run for governor as an independent and the lack of bipartisan cooperation in both Richmond and Washington.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.