Addenda agenda
By Managing Board | January 29, 2015Though these two addenda seem redundant with the fundamental purpose of an elected body, they may serve as the catalyst for the change Honor so desperately needs.
Though these two addenda seem redundant with the fundamental purpose of an elected body, they may serve as the catalyst for the change Honor so desperately needs.
The potential for sexualization of hostesses in the recruitment process is problematic. Presenting prospective student athletes with women in an objectifying context only enhances an imbalanced power dynamic between athletes and female students at many schools.
Campus police officers — or any police officers, for that matter — do not have to cease carrying guns altogether. Threats which can only be combated with firearms are still very real. But we cannot ignore the issue of pulling a weapon too quickly or too frequently.
A four-year degree from a community college is a low-cost option for those interested in fields which require a bachelor’s degree but cannot afford a degree from a traditional institution. Even if the cost is surmountable with student loans, graduating without debt puts a person in a better position for financial success, especially if the student comes from a low-income family.
Barring participation in a deeply-rooted tradition is more likely to cause resentment and divisiveness during a time when collective cooperation and positive thinking is necessary.
The White House estimates that by 2020, 35 percent of job openings will require a bachelor’s degree and 30 percent will require some level of college. If undocumented students are unable to gain entry into higher education, their level of opportunity relative to their peers will actually decrease.
Though the transplantation may not significantly impact the logistical practice of the ritual, it does send a message that overall, the practice of Islam cannot encroach too far into the space of the university’s traditions.
While uncovering files via FERPA may not solve all the problems with college admissions, added transparency has, at the very least, the potential to improve them.
Addiction treatment programs may be a more appropriate option for students to avoid charges, as this prioritizes the welfare of the individual student rather than the goals of the police department.
The students, at least, should still be privy to the content of the records, since they are paying tuition to the public institution at which Hall works.
Forcing a student to take a medical leave of absence upon seeking treatment for any of kind mental illness could discourage other students from coming forward, for fear they will also be forced to leave.
The fundamental importance of due process and the growing support for sexual assault survivors are not mutually exclusive, as many suggest. Improvement on both fronts is possible.
So in addition to any reasonable regulations it is possible for the University to implement, constant education programs are necessary to change attitudes as well as behavior.
We don’t want to live in a world where rape survivors are resistant to coming forward because they fear they will be dismissed. Because if they never come forward, we never even have a chance to investigate and punish the perpetrators who have wronged them, and who have wronged our community.
17,727 – number of votes Mark Warner won by in the Virginia Senate race against Ed Gillespie 35 – number of days Beta Bridge was painted with the message “Bring Hannah Home” 2 – number of years Sage Smith has been missing 10 – percentage of College students who went into consulting in 2013 89 – percentage of students in the Commerce School who have accepted full time employment, as of the November release of University Career Service’s “First Destinations’ Report” 2 million – amount of money, in dollars, Gov.
Access to higher education for immigrants has been increasing, but many barriers remain.
The decrease in child care access, though small, could in turn decrease access to higher education, particularly for women with young children.
Monday’s address indicates Sullivan has no intention of remaining passive, that she has already started to work on this issue, and that she is taking care to consult the major stakeholders in the process of making changes.
The best policy the Board of Visitors can adopt is twofold: zero-tolerance against offenders, and 100 percent commitment to helping the survivors regain their strength.
But mandating expulsion as the only punishment at the University is not a logical solution. Such a system may make survivors even less likely to come forward.