Hokie invasion
December 1, 2009In the embarrassing loss to the Hokies this weekend, the students and fans not only had to endure Al Groh's final game of mediocrity, but a stadium packed with Virginia Tech faithful.
In the embarrassing loss to the Hokies this weekend, the students and fans not only had to endure Al Groh's final game of mediocrity, but a stadium packed with Virginia Tech faithful.
While attending the Virginia Tech game this past Saturday, I was very disappointed by what I saw within Scott Stadium.
In his letter to the editor ("Protecting rights," Nov. 24), Michael Karlik blatantly misrepresents my argument in favor of the Stupak amendment by taking a quote completely out of context.
It is disappointing that The Cavalier Daily only considers the few, traditionally-valued student organizations in Monday's lead editorial on student self-governance ("Taking the reins," Nov.
If today's rout at Scott Stadium had a silver lining, it was that we had only a few chances to embarrass ourselves on national television with the clearly audible chant of "not gay." Dan Paley CLAS '08
Hung Vu's attack on University tradition regarding gameday attire ("Putting on airs", Nov. 17) is wildly misinformed and should be rejected by students and alumni.
Monday's opinion page hosted commentary on the two most contentious social issues being debated currently: gay marriage and abortion.
I swore to myself my days of opining on University issues were over, but since I spent much of my last year with The Cavalier Daily criticizing the Honor Committee's policies for Semester at Sea students, I think I ought to congratulate the Committee on finally righting this injustice.
I was part of a group that handed out a pro-life publication Tuesday and Wednesday, and I wanted to comment on something written on a flyer that I had put up.
After reading two columns bashing the Stupak amendment ("A controversial concession," Nov. 19; "Health care hurdles," Nov.
Jefferson created U.Va. as a separate entity from Charlottesville. When the City proposed that the free trolley run through the University's Central Grounds, the students were livid.
If through your compassion you have donated your time or resources in the search for our daughter Morgan Harrington, or have sent a card, a meal, flowers or prayers, we thank you for your loving support. Please continue to help us find Morgan and bring her home.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the first half of Eric Strow's college football column ("Fixing the 'big' conferences," Nov.
Re "Putting on Airs," Nov. 17: The idea that the current Virginia football program is deserving of any form of new tradition whatsoever is laughably foolish.
Tuesday's opinion column, "Putting on Airs," argued that U.Va. students create an "embarrassing" atmosphere on game days by following the tradition "Guys in Ties, Girls in Pearls." I couldn't disagree more.
RE "Gender Bender," Nov. 11: Most of the people who read this article have no idea who I am, but you may have seen me walking down McCormick Road in jeans, a t-shirt, and Converses.
Abby Costner, as you tie "the paragon of all things female" to a faddish sandal brand, you construct your reality exactly the way that patriarchal consumerist society wants you to in order to maintain rich white heterosexual male power - or the status quo.
I am a retired Army officer and alumnus of U.Va.'s Army ROTC program, but wanted to share with all of you an event that occurred Nov.
When reading their letters to the editor, I really have to wonder if Blaire Hawkins ("Upholding honor," Nov.