Making headlines
By Grant Garland | September 5, 2011I wanted to address the headline of the August 31 news article titled "Report exposes high hunger rates." This headline not only is misleading, but also is not valid.
I wanted to address the headline of the August 31 news article titled "Report exposes high hunger rates." This headline not only is misleading, but also is not valid.
Thomas Jones is very close to running for more than 10,000 yards in the pros, and that's despite a very slow start during his first three years.
My landlord is intentionally taking away from the enjoyment of my home, and apparently I cannot do anything about it. I am a resident of the West Range.
Although freshman GOP Senator Marco Rubio rode a wave of young support to gain a seat in 2010, his lack of experience may be starting to become more evident. On June 30, in a Senate subcommittee hearing on Democracy in the Americas, Rubio referred to Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez as a "clown" and compared elderly leaders in Cuba to "Jurassic Park." Although his remarks may appeal to a more active, young electorate in the United States, these comments may have a different effect outside the nation's borders. At a time when the United States is engaging in multiple military hostilities, facing a $14.6 trillion national debt and competing with rapidly growing nations such as China and India, we must be more careful than ever in maintaining our diplomacy when addressing other countries.
This just in: Thomas Jefferson was not born on American soil. As his last name clearly indicates, he is an Englishman through and through.
I sympathize wholeheartedly with the members of the Living Wage Campaign described in your April 21 article ("Protest targets salaries"), and applaud them for holding President Sullivan's administration to account.
When we were marching around Madison Hall, with people at the head and the end of the troop chanting different slogans, a girl next to me commented, "It's so absurd," which is exactly what I felt at that moment. Why did I feel absurd in the rally for a living wage?
In his open letter to Dean Groves, published March 28, fourth-year Keenan Davis expressed hope that students and faculty would respond in solidarity to the recent anti-Semitic actions on Grounds.
I am writing to voice my continued concern over the University's decision to embark on yet another construction project in a time of financial stress ("Cabell renovation obtains funding," April 7). The $64.5 million we have received from the state to renovate Cabell Hall is a generous amount, but let us not forget where that money is coming from: Virginia taxpayers.
Where have the good men gone? Far away from self-hating misogynist Ginny Robinson and her troublingly uninformed "Sexinomics" article (April 5). Robinson's treatment of female power or, more accurately, her equation of sex with power over men is utterly ludicrous.
Your March 31 issue discusses the University's response to the accidental death of Thomas Gilliam ("Administrators boost security"). In response to this tragedy, the University has begun a Grounds-wide lockdown of all buildings and steam tunnels so that various security enhancements can be made. Gilliam's death is a tragic loss for the entire community, and my heart goes out to his friends and family.
I was disappointed to read Jamie Dailey's column ("Discrimination by interpretation") in The Cavalier Daily on Friday, March 25, in which he asserted that all conservatives and Christians are "soaked in blood" as a result of the suicides of young, gay and lesbian teens. First, I must say that every suicide is a tragedy, regardless of the individual's race, gender, religion or lifestyle.
There are some traditions here at the University of Virginia that are worth clinging to, but there are others that linger far too long. When walking down the stairs of Clemons this morning, I encountered an old friend who has overstayed his welcome.
I have not written The Cavalier Daily before. I do recall a friend, Larry Brunton, writing you about a truth in journalism issue.
The General Assembly's refusal to extend funding to the restoration of the Rotunda is a discouraging oversight of our duty to protect this historic site as citizens of Virginia, the United States and the world. The reasons for restoration are both symbolic and utilitarian.
Bennett Sorbo's "parting shots" at the University ("A shot across the bow," March 3), while excellently showcasing why he was not allowed to write any columns earlier, saddened me with its depiction of Brown Residential College. In the words of a former resident, Brown is "a place for the interesting and the interested." Because of its many conveniences and unique reputation, people of all types apply to live in Brown every semester.
In response to your article "A fur-vent debate" (March 2), I would like to send high praise to Ashley Chappo for exposing what's at stake for animals killed in the meat industry, the skin trade and other businesses that seek to profit off the abuse of animals.
With regard to your lead editorial "Taking care of our own" (Feb. 25), on what grounds can you justify your claim that the dining hall and janitorial employees at the University of Virginia are underpaid?
This was an informative article ("Plan to create crisis centers," Feb. 18), however, I believe that I was misquoted on a few key points.
We are members of a valued and highly regarded community of trust. We live in a community that is driven by a common decency, moral respectability and honor system.