The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Life Column

Vega's column runs biweekly Tuesdays. She can be reached at 

How was your spring break?

I don’t feel bad for having spent most of last week curled up with a book in my air-conditioned bedroom, blissfully ignoring the weather’s pleas to venture out into the uncannily summerlike NOVA temperatures.


In need of a get-away

There are nearly 16,000 undergraduates at U.Va. and a large portion go somewhere tropical for spring break — you’re bound to run into a few fellow Wahoos in places like Punta Cana or Cancun.


Religion vs. reality

To me, it was like any other trolley ride back to grounds from downtown. Until the old lady wearing a long floral skirt and a straw sun hat got on with her various grocery bags from the food drive.


Finding "Your People"

In that moment, I felt utterly content with my surroundings. I knew I had found a place where I fit in — a group where people don’t find it crazy to love running, or to eat protein bars like candy. 

Grace's column runs biweekly Fridays. She can be reached at

To my professors

After coming from a series of small private schools, it was jarring to begin my academic experience at U.Va. not face-to-face with a beloved teacher.

Mary's columns run biweekly Thursdays. She can be reached at

Give me back my hometown

On a two-day, 1600-mile jaunt up and down the southern east coast this past weekend, I passed the exit on I-95 for a small Georgia island where I always spend holidays visiting family.


Call your mom

I was taken aback when rather than greeting me with a “hello,” my mom's immediate response was “is everything ok?”


Facebook politics

I recently learned Facebook allows you to unfollow your friends’ posts so you don’t have to see them on your News Feed. 


Overnight adulthood

The thought struck me as I entered a medical clinic this weekend, praying for a doctor to cure me after a period of prolonged illness. Suddenly it occurred to me — I am still on my parents’ insurance plan.


Succession plans

Not so subtly hidden within the word, though, is a smaller one — success. But no one ever asks about a succession plan for “failure.”

Kelly's column runs biweekly Tuesdays. She can be reached at 

We should work

The phrase, “that should work” has become a common part of my vocabulary. But what are the implications of this tendency?


One week without TV

I’ve noticed my television addiction has started to take priority over other parts of my life, parts which are more valuable for my social, academic and physical wellness.

Mary's columns run biweekly Thursdays. She can be reached at

All in the family

Over fall break, a group of friends and I road-tripped to southern Georgia, exploring nearby coastlines and crashing at my aunt and uncle’s house each night.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.