The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Life Column


The big picture and the details

On the first day of fall break, I found myself on a stuffy, cramped MegaBus to New York City. My poor mother helped me drag my suitcase to the bus station, and after I waved goodbye out the window, an old lady who reeked of soap and apples plopped herself down next to me.


Critical failure

I am sorry to have to write this article. I want so badly to instead pen my full-throated support for the grassroots movement for equality that is long overdue.


Love letters

On my desk shelf, wedged between an assortment of books I have not touched since syllabus week and a massive salt rock I impulsively bought at the National Aquarium, I keep a glass box crammed full of love letters.


Modern love at U.Va.

“I mean, it’s not like I care,” she said to me as we walked down Rugby Road one Friday night, headed home in the chapped fall air.


Breaking the bubble

A while ago, I went on a day-long trip to the Eastern Shore. I woke up early, got in the car, and drove east until I hit the James River, three hours later.


Too much InstaGLAM?

My eyes widened in horror as I heard myself say it out loud. Sure, I’ve chided myself for thinking it before, but I never thought I would say these words in front of other people: “We should totally do it; we’ll get such awesome pictures out of it!”


An anxious mind

One day during October of my second year, I was sitting in my bed, struggling to breathe. I had lined my wall with sticky notes in an attempt to organize my thoughts on God.


A gilded experience

Fall at the University is striking. On Tuesday mornings, I walk through the Lawn archway on the West side of the Rotunda heading toward the Music Library.


Five ways to prepare for U.Va. Halloween

U.Va. Halloween is a measure of strength, endurance, creativity and wit. To help you get ready for what is to come, especially if you are a first year and have never done this before, here are some tips on how to prepare.


Hump month

I didn’t want to call October “hump month,” but this is exactly what it feels like. 


The poignancy of Family Weekend

When I marked my calendar at the beginning of the semester, I placed a special star next to this coming weekend and wrote, “Fall Convocation... and FAMILY WEEKEND!!!!!” Yes — that’s five exclamation points.


On prioritizing the learning process

It’s 1:25 a.m. and I am moderately overcome with self-loathing. I’m just starting this article — technically due a few hours ago —because, despite staring at a blank Microsoft document for two hours tonight, I couldn’t come up with a paper topic.


Lonely and together

A month ago, I felt the now-familiar tightness, the now-routine clenching of my throat. Another wave of hushed conversations, another empty space in a familiar, yellow house.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.