The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Life Column


Major shaming

The other day, my friends and I decided to make fun of different majors and the fools who pursue them.


Who would you get lunch with?

Who would you get lunch with if you could get lunch with anyone, living or dead? I was recently asked this question, and my mind immediately went to Oprah.


On speaking the truth

From time to time, I come across days laden in abnormal circumstances. Today, for example, I knew from the moment I accidentally poured curdled milk into my fresh cup of coffee that something wasn’t right.


Cavalier pathologies

Despite the explicit warning my Abnormal Psychology professor gave at the beginning of the year, I found myself sitting in class the other day with the overwhelming feeling his presentation was a personal diagnosis.


Growing beyond organizations

I hate quitting; I think I was taught to hate quitting the moment I came out of the womb. Adults have always told me, “Find a passion and stick with it; stay committed.


Whitewash in U.Va. sororities

White girls next to world monuments, white girls trying “exotic cuisines,” white girls in matching Lilly Pulitzer dresses drinking matching $10 frozen lemonades, an inexplicable number of white girls on the beach — these are the images that have taken over my social media this past week as sorority recruitment started. Seemingly overnight, my newsfeed was flooded with links to sorority Facebook pages and Tumblrs and clever photo captions with Greek letters mixed in.


The 16 things we should do this fall

Completing the “116 Things To Do Before You Graduate” list is a daunting task. Recently, my friends and I headed to the Lawn to pick up our copies of the infamous fourth-year checklist, feeling like it was a rite of passage.


Back to the roots

About a month and a half ago, I was less-than-cozily nestled in seat 34A on a redeye flight bound for London.


Growing up

When I saw my little brother for the first time this summer, I was struck by how tall he had gotten.


Crafting an idealized you

In this highly interconnected society, with more and more communication moving to the Internet, we are becoming less concerned with how we are perceived in person and more concerned with how we are perceived online.


A letter to first years

Dear Incoming First Years, You’ve probably heard a mind-numbing number of maxims and a desensitizing amount of advice about your first year of college.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.