The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Life Column

Allie's column runs biweekly Thursdays. She can be reached at 

Like mother, like daughter

The most bizarre part of our relationship is that with time, I’ve noticed the similarities growing even more. I am increasingly becoming her clone; just call me Dolly the sheep. With age, I am slowly morphing into a slightly taller version of my mother.

Mary's column runs biweekly Thursdays. She can be reached at 

Golden tickets

6:15—that’s when my bus was supposed to leave D.C.’s DuPont Circle en route to New York. Yet, here it was, 6:15, and I was hurriedly scampering up what must have been the longest metro escalator in all the District thinking it was already too late.

Avery's column runs biweekly Wednesdays. She can be reached at 

Burritos are the real heroes

I was walking past the dumpling cart, freaking out about housing next year and how people sign leases fresh out of the womb, when I overheard a genius man ask a genius question: why isn’t there a burrito cart?Imagine, the joy of lining up in front of the almighty burrito truck, reveling in the glory that is a shiny, metal box.

Abigail's column runs biweekly Wednesdays. She can be reached at 

Introvert Problems

“Oh, my gosh! We need to have a sleepover!”The dreaded suggestion elicited an inward cry of despair as everyone nodded in agreement.

Laura's column runs biweekly Fridays. She can be reached at

Redefining 'Sexy'

A few weeks ago, I was once more meandering through the depths of Buzzfeed when I happened upon a quiz entitled “What’s the Sexiest Thing About You?” Given that Victoria’s Secret sponsored this quiz, I had my hesitations about clicking the thumbnail link.I am nowhere remotely close to a Victoria’s Secret model.

Christian's column runs biweekly Fridays. He can be reached at 

A house divided

From infancy, I was raised as a Cardinals fan. The early days of baseball were uncomplicated. The Baltimore Orioles were the closest team in proximity ? the only team for which it was actually possible to attend games ? but I was an exclusive Cardinals devotee, as St.


Eclipsing the experience

I may not be a morning person, but this morning’s blood moon was pretty cool.I woke up at 6 a.m., confused as to why my alarm was ringing at such an early hour (with classes at 1 and 2 p.m., I am far more likely to stay up until 6 rather than get up at 6.) As I groggily pieced together the rationale behind this separation from my inanimate domestic partner – alternatively known as my bed – I became surprisingly excited.

Kelly's column runs biweekly Tuesdays. She can be reached at 

Love is a verb

After pondering these different uses of the word “love,” I came to realize that maybe the “soulmate” model of love isn’t as desirable as I had originally thought.

John's column runs biweekly Fridays. He can be reached at 

Hills will roll

It’s 5 a.m. and a man as wide as he is tall is yelling Spanish curses in my ear. I’m tired, sore, soaked to the bone and more than anything else humiliated by the fact that I apparently have no idea how to use a lawn mower.


Where are the men of Pinterest?

In the past year, Pinterest has been become more of an even playing ground between men and women, no longer monopolized by lipstick. Because Pinterest has tried to diversify and expand its audience, the core demographic is expanding beyond just women.


The gauntlet of Grounds

Freed from the confines of dorms into the world of air-conditioned bedrooms, I am fortunate enough to spend my second year of college with an apartment as home.


Real life vs. reel life

People will tell you in love and in life that “reality’s not like the movies.” But that’s not exactly true -- it’s the movies that aren’t like reality.

Vega's column runs biweekly Tuesdays. She can be reached at 

Do what you love

There is nothing more satisfying to me than pouring my thoughts onto a page and molding the fragmented puddles into a reflecting pool in which people I've never met can get a clear view of themselves.Through writing, I achieve a high incomparable to the use of any recreational drug.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.