The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Life Column


Learning "mottainai" in Japan

In Japan, there is a famous saying: “Mottainai,” which effectively means “don’t be wasteful.” It is used in a variety of settings, but largely in terms of garbage and food, in a spirit comparable to the “go green” movement in America.

	Kelly Seegers is a Life columnist. She can be reached at

The wrong side of the road

On Monday I arrived in Dublin, Ireland—my home for the next two months. As my flight was landing, I looked out the window to see countless blades of very green grass as the Irish lady sitting next to me tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Welcome to Ireland.” In many ways, Ireland is a lot like the United States.


The gaijin stare

As a philosophy major, East Asian Studies minor and resident of the Japanese floor of the Shea House, I have dedicated a good amount of time to studying Japan and its culture.

	Kelly Seegers is a Life columnist. She can be reached at

Because we all have bad days

The other day, I was sitting at a restaurant with someone else — who for the sake of this article I will call Bob — and our waitress came over to greet us.

	Kelly’s column runs biweekly on Tuesdays. She can be reached at

Finding a common thread

My parents often remind me of an annoying stage I went through as a child — one I think is common to all children just beginning to explore the world.


Top 10 Ways to Bring U.Va. Home With You This Summer

1. Refer to every grassy area as Grounds: I think I’m allergic to the word “campus.” I’m not one of those people who will overtly correct you if you happen to utter it, but know that I’m scowling on the inside and any chance at marriage with me you thought you had will forever be just a dream.

	Grace’s column runs biweekly Fridays. She can be reached at

In defense of pledging

My friend sat down across from me in a corner of Newcomb, hair unbrushed, belt forgotten. It was late March and tendrils of spring had began to sneak into our routine walks from Watson-Webb to the Chem building.


The weight of words

As an English major, I invariably deal with a lot of words. Poems, essays, short stories—whatever form they’re in, I’ve experienced them.


Top 10 Things You’ll See at Foxfield

1. Lily Pulitzer Try to resist it, but you can’t. No, it is not your Aristocrat-influenced eyes that are playing tricks on you- there really are six girls within ten-foot radius that are wearing the same dress.

	Lauren’s column runs biweekly Fridays. She can be reached at

Culture of comparison

Last week, my excessively blunt friend commented on one of my recent Facebook posts saying, “You have a talent for making life look perfect.” The post she was referring to as “perfect” was a video I made of my recent spring break trip – created with professional software and set to overly sentimental music.

	Christian’s column runs biweekly Fridays. He can be reached at


As my second year concludes, I find myself entering the final half of college and coming closer to the looming “real world.” Some find the leap from high school to college and the newfound freedom to be particularly jarring.



If I’ve learned anything from the two short decades I’ve spent on this planet, it’s not to trust nice people.

	Kristen’s column runs biweekly Wednesdays. She can be reached at

Name that field

You know that nice, triangular grassy patch where everyone picnics across the street from Bodo’s? Where Brooks Hall is?* It needs a name. The fact that I just had to use so many words to describe a place we go all the time is, if you ask any writer, English major or literary inclined person, an utter linguistic travesty.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.