The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Life Column


How are you, really?

I had a comically bad day yesterday. I won’t use this space to divulge all the details, but I will say the highlight was falling asleep in an art history lecture, only to be woken up with the professor standing over me, having stopped the class of 70 to publicly shame me for dozing in her class.


I wish I were a minimalist...sometimes

After being in Paris for fewer than 24 hours, so many of my expectations are already shaken. I have surprisingly managed to fit everything into my tiny urban apartment, which is a feat in itself given my pathetic status at the airport.


Lonely hearts

I have always felt a special connection to Valentine’s Day. A few years ago, I put together the logical implications of having a birthday exactly nine months after the holiday and I feel this fact is responsible for my deeply romantic nature.


The truth about teaching

A few of the more memorable things I’ve received in my life include a sportsmanship award, my U.Va. acceptance letter and an email which began, “Dear Professor Trezza.”


'I can't even' speak

You know when something really dumb catches on, becomes widely recognized and is subsequently accepted as a norm, despite being utterly nonsensical? I’m referring to some of the more serious social epidemics: Crocs, AIM buddy profiles, YOLO and Instagram selfies.


V-Day isn't D-Day

I have seen too many of my friends get hurt because they did not love themselves and stand up for what they deserved — and that is one thing I do not want to remain quiet about. Even if, in the end, you still resent my insistence that Valentine’s Day is worthwhile, I hope you can at least take away a little extra love for yourself.


A major Tinderance

Today, it was brought to my attention my peers log into Tinder with a wide array of intentions. Basically, it perplexed me my friend actually slept with someone she met using the app. My personal philosophy is this: use it sparingly, don’t respond when someone messages you and never meet in person.


The not-so-super Bowl

Chances are, by the time this column comes out on Friday, almost everyone who happens to read this will have already consumed hours of Super Bowl pregame, mid-game and postgame commentary.


Stuck with me

I can still remember the day my little brother was born—January 1st, 1994. There was a picture taken of me talking to my mother as she lays in the hospital bed, wearing my bright blue “I’m a sister!” sweatshirt and remaining blissfully unaware of the small, sleeping baby in the background.


Tales from below

Fourth grade was my golden year. I know telling you this is to publicly declare I am totally lame, but I have to say — those were the days. I mean, my middle part / gaucho pant combo was super trendy, and I had my multiplication tables memorized like nobody’s business. One could even say I was killing it.


Bennett is my middle name

January has been a good month for Virginia Basketball fans. While some might fixate on obvious achievements—Mike Scott’s blossoming NBA career, blow-outs against seven of our first eight ACC opponents and the label of best team in the country according to ESPN’s BPI ranking—there have also been some subtler developments. The first of these is finally overcoming the Canes Challenge.


Grounds for dating

“Name, year, major, hometown … oh, and what’s the most datable building on Grounds?” It’s my icebreaker of choice.



All in all, I led a very blessed childhood. This can probably be attributed to my family, which is functional to the point of strangeness.


The trouble with chit-chat

I often ponder the big questions of life—things like whether the universe is infinite, if time travel is possible and why dentists and hair stylists feel the need to talk to you during every second of your appointment.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.