The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Life Column


The road ahead

I have a strange love for road trips and plane rides. I hope anyone going home for the holidays will ultimately be able to understand this sentiment — though I know it may take some explanation first. You see, while there are certainly downsides to traveling — having to wait in massive security lines, having your flight cancelled or, in the case of a road trip, being stuck in terrible traffic —overall, I tend to see the experience as an enjoyable one. First, there is the people-watching.


Finding God

Finding God An agnostic’s church experiences by: Grace Muth The congregation had come before the altar, before the pulpit and stage, and we crept through the back entrance, hands lifted in song lyrics projected onto the white walls.


The turkeys are coming

To quote our nation’s most revered nightrider (pun intended): “The turkeys are coming!” Well, no, those may not have been Paul’s words verbatim.


Finding the heart in home

I have never been more excited or ready for Thanksgiving break than I am this year. I can say this with full certainty as I sit on the fourth floor of Alderman, my eyes feeling dry as I stare at my computer screen for another solid hour and the little white squares on my iCal taunting me with the days left between me and going home. “Going home” used to be an expression casually tossed around as I climbed into my car after a day of high school or left my friend’s house after a night spent out, but now, as a fourth year in college who has spent the past 3 1/2 years living by myself, it means something more, something different. “Going home” now means packing up a small parcel of my life here at the University and taking it back to the place that constituted my life for 18 years.


Learning what it means to learn

One feature every University student has in common is this: we were the high school students who had the stellar GPAs and test scores, and spent our days running from practices to club meetings to tutoring and back again.


Ghost of statuses past

A few days ago, I opened my Facebook to 47 notifications. Needless to say, I was thrilled people were finally recognizing the caliber of my Facebook profile, which includes biannual statuses about some life-changing event and stunning tagged pictures of me at my best. My high hopes and dreams were quickly shattered when I realized what the reality entailed.


A love letter to my friends

My best friends are fiercely loyal and come with no strings attached. They know my phone always dies at least three times during the day, that I have a mild Rue La La addiction — or, in their words, a severe addiction to online shopping — and that my alter ego is a cat that tends to come out when I hit a point of deliriousness.


Quality over quantity

At the beginning of the semester when I had just joined The Cavalier Daily, my fellow Life columnists released a flurry of writings on something which is apparently on everyone’s mind: sex.


Nice guys finish last

On a Tuesday night in September, I found myself curled into a heap, resting atop a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor of one of my hallmates’ room.


No consolation prizes

Ah yes, U.Va. — where we have our cake and eat it too. We work hard AND we play hard. Sleep is for the weary, which we are not.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.