The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Life Column


Sup? Idk, u?

You’ve seen it: a bus almost running over a hypnotized girl blindly walking across McCormick Road, her eyes glued down to her phone’s LCD screen, fingers swiftly tapping away.


Abortion: a liberal (arts) perspective

Kendrick Lamar blasted over a buzzing Prius full of five second-years, crammed in a backseat next to Pop-Tarts and Chex Mix and Pringles and crumpled candy wrappers as they wound through Pennsylvania.


Taking the backseat

At the age of 20, I am officially an empty nester. After a year of literal sweat, tears and a few drops of paper-cut-induced blood, I am relinquishing my central U.Va.


The dog days are (never) over

Maybe it’s just that I’m no longer confined to a dorm, but this semester I have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of dogs making their way around Charlottesville.


Of muffins and men

Fall break is a time for family. It’s a time for Halloween decorations and pumpkin lattes. It’s a time to shirk your studying duties in favor of “Sleepy Hollow” marathons and late night drives through the back roads of the hometown you secretly miss.


Befriending my mother

Since when have our parents been people? Seriously. Even though we’ve known, lived and interacted with them for as long as we remember, did we initially perceive our parents in relation to others?


The costume paradox

Though Christmas claims the title of “best holiday” for many people, I cannot help but wonder if they have ever genuinely enjoyed my favorite day of the year in the way I have for the past 20 years.


Failing to be civically engaged

Plato once said, “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” Having spent the past weeks trying to increase civic engagement and register students to vote, I’ve seen this quote moving toward becoming a reality.


A silent struggle

I am a chronic eavesdropper. As a result, when I am trying to work I need extreme quiet. If I take a seat next to people who are talking, no matter how hard I try not to, I will end up learning their dog’s name, how drunk their roommate was last night and why they didn’t deserve to fail their test. I find myself constantly seeking out quiet environments where I can read in peace without failing to block out the noise around me.


The theology of FOMO

With the exhausting supply of fantasy football statistics proving ineffective in fueling my procrastination, I decided to check if Lou had posted the spring semester’s List, and proceeded to browse the course options for the next hour.


A different kind of classroom

Most students spend their weekdays sitting in a classroom, listening to lectures or discussing readings for several hours with scattered CIO activity in between.


Living in my parents’ home

Every morning, my mom swishes her slippers across the floor, wearing the flannel bathrobe that is half of a matching set, given to her and my father as a wedding gift.


Cheers for beers

Charlottesville has never been a stranger to the libation scene. Thomas Jefferson set the standard with his love for elaborate parties and wine, and not much has changed in the past 200 years in that regard.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.