The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Life Column


The sublime list

The time crunch has begun and the pressure is on. Scrolling daily through the infinite amount of study abroad options, I have examined the same online program brochures countless times.


Living uncertainties

I live in a beautiful brick house on Wertland Street — a house you or a friend probably once mistook as a fraternity satellite house, or maybe just the house with the bushes where your red cup landed during block party.


What’s driving U.Va.’s thirst for hookups?

“I just wanna hook up with him and get it over with, you know? I need to move on with my life.” I snorted and shook my head as I stirred my Cheerios, slowly taking in what my refreshingly blunt hall mate, “Stephanie,” was telling me.


Roses are red, but there's more to be said

As I sat smiling in my car, watching a guy holding a bouquet of flowers cross the street, I began to think about how strange flowers are as a symbol of love. Now before I elaborate upon this thought, let me make a few disclaimers.


This one's for the girls

Two weeks ago, on that hallowed Monday night before the first day of classes, I found myself pondering a question which has plagued many the intelligent, modern female Cavalier: “What will this outfit say about me?” After all, we’d be lying to ourselves if we said that our “first day” outfits weren’t still a priority.


Major: undecided

8:00 a.m.: Paper, column, breakfast (maybe), coffee (definitely), research proposal, shower, stress. 10:47 a.m.: Wallet, keys, phone, out the door.


A lifetime of strokes

I’ve always straddled the fence that divides colors and words, hoping to somehow be the bridge. When I was in third grade I tried to explain to my mom that my teacher was a green teacher and Sheridan Webster’s teacher was a blue teacher.


The anthropology of fratting

Soon enough, the DJ switches songs. Chelsea screams that she loves this song; Brad agrees that no one could dislike Levels and suggests that they dance. What follows is a traditional motion so hideous and disjointed that it remains a miracle people perform such an act in public, let alone in an attempt to indicate intimacy and attraction.


One cheese plate at a time

There is a fine line between childhood and adulthood and I’m not quite sure where I stand. I suppose many college students feel this way — as if we are toeing the border, regularly stumbling onto both sides of the spectrum.


A series of unfortunate events

Everyone has days when if feels Daniel Powter’s “Bad Day” is playing on repeat in the background — unless I’m the only one who still appreciates that song.


Seize the donut

Tucked away on Allied Street off McIntire Road, a Charlottesville treasure hides behind C’Ville Coffee.


Let's talk about sex, baby

Let’s just take a moment to talk about sex. Science — and the bulging evidence from the boy next to me in class — tells us that, on average, most men think of it 34.2 times per day.


Out of the mouth of babes

Working as a camp counselor this summer, I was reacquainted with how children view the world. After countless “Stop butting me!” cries and “But he started it!” exclamations, I began to reflect on the days when my biggest worry was whether I was first or second in line for a minute-long walk down the hallway.


No place in the workplace

At this point in my life, I can summarize my collegiate success into a three-digit GPA, fit 20 years worth of sweat and tears into a one-page resume and measure the quality of my education based on the Princeton Review’s rating of my university. In other words, if need be, I am 100 percent quantifiable. And, truth be told, you are too.


It’s Easy, I Promise

Waking up ready and alive is a skill that my poor, feeble, sleepy figure just simply cannot master. The morning routine includes: One, the classic pillow-over-head maneuver to block out easterly sunshine.


Maybe I will after all

This summer, I got my first real job: nannying. When I agreed to the job, it was unbeknownst to me, though, that it would prompt me to rethink my entire position on parenthood, and on children in general.


Catching Our Trains

There’s a strange mindset that accompanies the beginning of my fourth and last year here at U.Va., a sort of inner panging or homesickness for something but I don’t really know what.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.