The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Life Column


Cleaning the shower

As I pushed aside the shower curtain and stepped under the running shower head, I suddenly became hyper aware of how slimy the floor of the showering area felt under my feet.


Knowing and being known

This past weekend, my best friend came to visit me at U.Va. for the first time since we both left for college, moving out of houses just a few doors down from each other.


The best thing about first year

The other day I was walking to class when I passed by an old friend from my first year dorm. I went to wave and say hello, but his eyes quickly darted down before I was able to initiate anything.


Playing pretend

Halloween was one of my favorite holidays as a child. I loved going to Party City to pick out a costume and putting up Halloween decorations around my house and in my yard.


A long overdue appreciation

It wasn’t until coming to college that I could finally muster the courage to say it. Years of teenage angst which entail the typical phases of moodiness and unwarranted sass beginning in middle school forestalled this great discovery.

Mary's columns run biweekly Thursdays. She can be reached at

Learn me right

I’m not sure where exactly it started to go wrong, but nevertheless, it was one of those days when you wake up thinking you’re actually pretty ahead of the game — and then by noon, you realize you can’t recall the last time you were so overwhelmed.


A feeling on the Lawn

The first time I ever visited the Lawn was during Days on the Lawn, and it was a cursory, hectic show put on to tip the wavering student over the edge and finally commit to their home away from home for the next four years.


Quiet heroes

When I imagined what college would be like, part of me believed each new day would bring some flashy, life-changing revelation.


The black sheep of the family

Having just turned 40, my aunt is now at a mid-point in her life. By this age, it is not uncommon for people to have started a family, yet my aunt remains unmarried and living in her trendy apartment in the West Loop of Chicago.


Cutting the cake

While fall and spring seasons are beautiful times of natural transition, they are also seasons endowed with meaning and significance for many people.


When you try your best

Réussir. This is one of my favorite words in French. Though it has several translations, it usually means “to succeed at doing something.” But what exactly is success?

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.