The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Life Column


America's pastime

April holds a special place in my heart, as these first few days mark the start of six months full of triumph, challenge, heartbreak and victory.


One week without meat

I’ve always felt qualms after enjoying a barbeque sandwich or a hamburger, but managed to suppress that guilt because of the pure joy I experienced each time I ate one.

Kelly's column runs biweekly Tuesdays. She can be reached at 

Finding joy amidst uncertainty

As we were sitting at Easter brunch, a friend of mine recounted how her family had recently grilled her about her future. Given that she has had a job since the beginning of the school year, this surprised me.

Mary's columns run biweekly Thursdays. She can be reached at

Love like the movies

I must be watching too many movies. Or reading too many books. You listen to enough stories, and after a while you start to think life works similarly to the stories you’ve been listening to.

Vega's column runs biweekly Tuesdays. She can be reached at 

Ditching the dining hall

I can’t forget the simultaneous power and frustration I felt over my stockpiles of Plus Dollars, resulting in a continual catch-22 of needing to get rid of them but not wanting to consume the extra gummy worms.


Fictional friends

We all have a few favorite fictional worlds. While I prefer to repeatedly stroll the streets of Star’s Hollow with Lorelai and Rory, my mother would rather follow the students of Hogwarts around the corridors of the castle.


Love that spans oceans

My family lives approximately 9,746 miles away from me, yet my parents have this magical way of making me feel loved over the oceans and continents standing between us.


Spontaneously special

Both the game and my knee took a very wrong turn, and half of the valiant, and still winless, Cheesemakers found themselves sitting in the emergency room.


One week with meditation

When I told my mom about my plan on the phone, she laughed quietly and implied that the idea of me sitting still for more than 30 seconds is a bit of a pipe dream. 


Teachings of solitude

A miniature valley behind a ridge, opened upon my path a few hundred feet from the campsite. I strolled in, sat among the rocks and melted away into my surroundings.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.