Reflecting on a difficult semester
By Aaron Doss | November 24, 2020I know the sun will come out eventually, so for now I’ll do my best to smile upon our grey and empty Grounds.
I know the sun will come out eventually, so for now I’ll do my best to smile upon our grey and empty Grounds.
As well as taking care of yourself, remember to also look outwards and show your care for others during these next few weeks — we’re almost there.
4:15 a.m. is not the ideal wakeup time for a college student, especially when you’ve barely received four hours of sleep.
I have always been the type of person to hand write my notes.
We are all entitled to our own opinions — though they are shaped by our experiences — and I recognize that perhaps I am more ready for change than others.
I hope you will remember this — being proficient means you showed up, you tried and you wanted it.
Let’s normalize dipping our fries into milkshakes — frankly, it’s delicious.
Three days into my challenge, I came to the conclusion that living without snacks is just not feasible for me.
Like many people during quarantine, I also began to find comfort in going on walks — with a mask of course — to escape from the dangerous comfort of my room every once in a while.
There’s a life outside of our screens, however, and if we all look up at the same moment, we might catch one another’s eye and catch onto a life much greater than what we’re living now.
My biggest worry now is getting coronavirus and a few days ago, it almost came true.
Hope presents itself as one of the few certainties here. We can hold onto hope — hope for a desired outcome, hope for a better future and minimize this election anxiety together.
For too long I thought that the only way to be productive was to stay locked up in my room with my laptop and never leave.
If all we are able to do is our best, then there’s nothing more to do.
The burnt piece of parchment paper is now displayed in the kitchen, taped to the fridge— a reminder of the inevitable mistakes that we will make.
My emotions after I learned I’d be a Life Columnist for the fall semester can be described in three words — surprise, happiness and terror.
It is a tale as old as time — Black women being spoken over and spoken for — and one that extends far beyond politics, I might add.
We are less than a month away from the official November 3 Election Day, and it is nearly impossible to avoid that fact wherever you go.
I can demonstrate that even though my name sounds as foreign as another Latina girl, I receive better treatment just because my skin is lighter, which is not OK at all.
Over time, I have developed a fond appreciation for my friendships and the sense of community that has only grown during my time at the University, and I doubt that will change.