Discovering mindfulness between my two pedals
By Cecy Juárez | February 22, 2024Biking made me realize how even silly commutes to class are filled with things that make everyday life more interesting.
Biking made me realize how even silly commutes to class are filled with things that make everyday life more interesting.
I would not be the same person I am today had I never left China and experienced life outside of the country.
Sometimes, I think life would be a lot brighter if I allowed myself to tackle my days the way I would as a child.
Here are some simple yet effective ways to let your mind, body and social life prosper this spring.
Experiencing the full force of all four seasons for 21 years has made me reckon with the fact that winter is unavoidable.
Now approaching my fifth finals season as a third year at the University, the trick for me to survive this time has been to force myself to go out and have fun.
I think I’ll be a 22 year-old teenager forever.
While it may not be reasonable in every situation, I believe, if it is possible, walking is such an underrated option to get around Grounds.
How do I come to terms with the fact that the year is going by so quickly? To be honest, I’m not sure if I can ever really accept the reality of a fleeting fourth year.
It’s not easy to break routine, but there are too many exciting opportunities all around us to let our typical schedules trump everything and dictate what we do every single day.
Just as I spent too much time focusing on the mess the construction created in my busy and sad days, I also focused on my past and neglected the fact that my college life had already guided me forward.
Contrary to what my initial imposter syndrome would have me believe, my experiences before coming to the University and the work I put into transferring were the things that helped me succeed.
Something about the sudden shift away from the usual hustle and bustle pushed me to pay more attention to Grounds and contemplate my appreciation for the University community and my place in it.
Though I may always have an affinity for my Pennsylvania home — it is where I grew up and where my family is — I know that I do have my own University family and home to return to in Virginia.
When people ask me what it was like living in Japan, I always respond with gratitude. Not just because of the beautiful culture I was able to experience on the island of Okinawa, but the true connections I made there — especially with myself.
Reflecting on Trader Joe’s has led me to a key takeaway that I try to always remind myself of — to savor the mundane moments as much as you can.
Self-discovery can still take place without a dramatic realization and in an experimental, trial-and-error way.
My style doesn’t have to be accepted or understood by others. I find joy in how I choose to dress and connect with those who share the same love for clothes and creative expression as I do.
In retrospect, I can simply take my experience for what it was — a great opportunity, sure, but perhaps not the right one for me at the time.
When I entered the braiding shop for the first time, it was with all this in mind. I was tired of attempting to change an intrinsic part of myself to cultivate a certain image that was more palatable to others.