The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890


Cecy Juárez is a Life columnist for The Cavalier Daily.

The great misconception of self-care

I’ll still take a “treat yo’ self” day every once in a while, but I’ll keep in mind to also take care of some of my responsibilities  — whatever I’m capable of doing that day. 

A characteristic of sitting on the floor that has followed since childhood and continues to define a part of me.

I’m a floor girl

If you’re a floor person like myself, maybe you found some solace in knowing that you are not alone in your floor preference. 

Cecy Juárez is a Life columnist for The Cavalier Daily.

The Cavalier wears Prada

It’s OK if you want to wear your best sundress to your statistics lecture or a snazzy polo to astronomy. No one will judge you if you wear a plain t-shirt and oversized basketball shorts to a discussion.

Samantha Cynn is a Life Columnist for The Cavalier Daily.

The elitism of Greek life

As an outsider, hearing from friends, classmates and others about their experiences will continue to shape my own outlook and ability to craft potential solutions to these organizations' most persistent problems.


The joy of sitcoms

As finals loom around the corner, I look forward to curling in the comfort of my favorite sitcoms whenever I feel burdened with pressure.


Finding calm in the chaos of New York City

With only a few weeks in the city ahead of me, I plan to not take for granted the countless unforeseeable people, places, and things that I will encounter — in this reenergized world, everything feels poignantly worth remembering. 

Samantha Cynn is a Life Columnist for The Cavalier Daily.

Living in limbo

Many students — especially those living off Grounds, isolated from the University community — can feel as though they’re living in limbo. 

Winger’s many contrasting yet uncommonly comparable characters embodied a compassionate feistiness that I was immediately drawn to emulate — she is universally captivating.

Debra Winger is a boss

The critical personal, societal and identity-oriented reflection that Debra Winger’s many roles have provoked within me is unparalleled. 

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.