Ball so hard: University tailgates dwarf game action
By Abbi Sigler | September 5, 2012Much to the dismay of my father and grandfather, I don’t know a whole lot about football. If I did, you’d probably be reading about this in the sports section.
Much to the dismay of my father and grandfather, I don’t know a whole lot about football. If I did, you’d probably be reading about this in the sports section.
Most college students look forward to summer vacation as a chance to escape from the stress of school, but as fourth-year Commerce students headed to work on Wall Street this summer, they knew they had their work cut out for them. Working as interns in the sales and trading sector of the financial market, fourth-year Commerce students Andrew Colberg and Jake Davies woke before the sun rose so they could be in the office at 5:30 a.m., before the markets opened.
I was in Europe this summer. I could tell you what I learned at the Tate Modern, what I realized in Normandy, what I came to understand on the Underground.
This year at the University has had a bit of a different feel for me. I am entering my fourth year, forgive me for being sentimental, but I have a lot of feelings about it.
The basics- Name: Clifford Year: Third School: College/Batten School Major: Leadership and Public Policy Sexual Orientation: Straight University involvement: Second Year Council, Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity, SCUBA Club, Chinese Student Association Hometown: Calhoun, GA Ideal date person: Shorter, petite, great smile.
Social networking — whether it be in the form of Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare or any other online forum — is a powerful and ubiquitous tool.
It’s unfortunately easy to lose faith in humanity. Everything’s going alright for a while until, suddenly, one event begins a downward spiral that usually ends with me hating everyone and everything.
When I was 14-years-old I decided to put “flying in large treacherous metal machines at 30,000 feet” at the top of my “greatest fears” list.
Although I always claimed to understand how great this college town is, I never really understood until I went to a place where most people associate 14th Street with the Union Square subway station. While I was away, I learned not only about New York, the magazine industry, and myself; I also learned a lot about Charlottesville.
Charlottesville is defined by its monumental attractions: Monticello, the Downtown Mall and the University of Virginia to name a few. These attractions are must-sees for any student, resident or tourist. But it is Charlottesville’s lesser-known venues that make it into the special place it is.
At this point in August, the Olympics have become about as stale as Ryan Lochte’s brain cells. But watching the Olympics religiously this summer — I mean, I even gave archery a shot — genuinely altered the way I view young adulthood and my place in it.
There is going to be a vicious, finals-esque fight for the #1 Bodo's ticket at this rate.
Of the responses to Sunday's news that University President Teresa A. Sullivan would step down Aug. 15, the parody Twitter account @RectorDrago ranks among the most viral.
Herbert Finder has visited the University four times in the past 10 years to speak to students in the introductory course "The Holocaust" about his experience as a teenager in the Nazi camp system.
If you ride the bus to class, Barracks Road, or back home late Friday nights, it is hard to imagine life without the University Transit Service.