My parents always told me I could do anything I set my mind to. Envision my face on Thomas the Tank Engine but doing more than climbing mounta yins - maybe trekking to space or scuba diving.
When you first hear Blake Shelton sing the opening lines of the ballad, "Who Are You When I'm Not Looking," it sounds a little creepy, almost as if the country music singer plans to spy on his girlfriend to see what she's up to when he is not around.
Name: Arjun Year: Second Year School: College Major: Economics University involvement: CASH, SEED Hometown: Fairfax/Chantilly, VA Ideal date: I don’t have a particular preference for race or ethnicity, but I have generally dated blondes and brunettes.
Monday: and the first round of "midterms" begins... except why are they called midterms when there are multiple ones in the semester!? #beginspringbreakcountdown Tuesday: "when the sun comes out, so do the sundresses!! I CAN'T WAIT." - said by a guy.
One-hundred and fifty students stand in even lines, perfectly still, chins up, backs straight, arms glued to their sides, wearing green camouflage uniforms and heavy brown trekkie boots.
Traditionally, medicine has
Entering Charlottesville is, in some ways, like
Some students grow up knowing they will one day be Wahoos.
One of my all-time favorite billboards reads: “Honk if you love Jesus. Text and drive if you want to meet him.” As a law-abiding citizen who likes to follow the rules, texting and driving isn’t one of my vices.
I've always been an avid people-watcher. I don't just
Dear Edgar, My sleeping schedule is completely off!
Although the University boasts more than 700 CIOs, some students still feel there is not an organization tailored to their interests.
This semester I've been taking a class discussing one of the best television shows of all time - HBO's The Wire. Although The Wire shines in nearly every dramatic, cinematic and thematic category, one of its best qualities is its ability to show the pervasiveness of bureaucratic nonsense.
Have you ever felt like you were a witness to your own life? Lately I've been experiencing just that sensation, and it's nothing short of completely disorienting.
Some University students view living on the Lawn as the pinnacle of success.
Every Tuesdays and Thursdays, I make quite a journey. I travel from the Fine Arts Caf
It's been a while since I offered my unsolicited advice on something, so I figured I was overdue. As a second-semester fourth year, I spend a lot of my time worrying about the hazy "next year." Where will I be?