The faces behind the food
By Charlie Tyson | April 6, 2011The man, the myth, the swiper: Dean Caulfield Dean Caulfield - "as in Holden," he said - is the first person you see upon entering Observatory Hill Dining Hall.
The man, the myth, the swiper: Dean Caulfield Dean Caulfield - "as in Holden," he said - is the first person you see upon entering Observatory Hill Dining Hall.
With student self-governance as the focal point of University life, one would be hard-pressed to find an institution with more dynamic, passionate and over-committed students.
I care a lot about appearances. This may come as a surprise to anyone who has seen me walking to class, well, ever.
Katia Dianina is a Russian professor at the University with a storied background - including a brush with a celebrity.
I take a lot of heat from my friends for the way I dress up. I'll admit it; I am one of those girls.
When I was growing up, I went to a camp in Riner - a.k.a. Middle of Nowhere, Virginia - every summer for about six years straight.
Forgetting about your ex after a long relationship must have been so much easier before Facebook existed.
For years I've been carrying on a secret relationship. While I haven't been trying to hide this love affair, I may not have been as forthcoming as I should have been.
Things have changed for University radio since 1947, when WUVA was launched in the basement of Madison Hall using electrical wiring in dormitories to pass along its AM signals. "It was very much amateur, but we became a big success quickly," outgoing WUVA-FM President Robert Powell said.
I do not think life is supposed to be simple. I think it has been and always will be a big tangled blob of things no one knows for sure.
Flipping through the pages of Vogue the other day, I noticed an ad with a bright pink background featuring Katy Perry wearing a pink and purple spandex cat suit promoting the fragrance "Purr-fect." How much did they pay her to wear that?
In the weeks following the announcement that the Commerce School will increase its tuition, Commerce students are contemplating the effects of the extra charges. The Board of Visitors announced Feb.
"No amount of observations of white swans can allow the inference that all swans are white, but the observation of a single black swan is sufficient to refute that conclusion," wrote philosopher David Hume.
There are many obstacles to selling short. First, stocks as a whole tend to go up, not down, as time goes by.
Casually navigating world-renowned historic buildings is a perk of being a student at the University.
I think it's fair to say that, like most people, my vocabulary has expanded since I came to college.
Adam What are you involved in at the University? Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity, To Write Love on Her Arms, StudCo, College Republicans What else do you like to do?
Charlie Sheen is God. And I'm an atheist. He smokes seven gram rocks because "that's how he rolls." He rolls invincibly, whether god or demon, hero or villain.
Still in the prime of their youth, going bald is not something that happens to many college students.
When my grandma told me that she had ordered me a surprise gift from Amazon, I played the guessing game for several days.